Saturday, December 19, 2015

To tell the truth is never an easy thing to do, but it is always so much easier to point fingers and blame on someone else. Then again, why feed the fire when no matter what you say they will keep coming at you. When really what is the worth because they will not listen to a damn thing that you say or even hear you out.

Everything is your fault and you are now the bogeyman. But we really do know that in the end of all things again when you point your fingers at someone that there will be pointing back at yourself. Then also the other thing is that why give them what they want by acting just like them. A fucking cry baby that cries about the past, and do the he said she said bullshit. Really just brings them down to their little brain levels.

The sadness that it really is that they truly live in the past, so much that no matter what, they will think of you way more than you will ever think of them. That even if they try to hurt in another way like money or words that really they are only hurting about what they lost.

They are only acting out with words because why, what else do they have in the end. They certainly do not have you. You finally saw through their bullshit in the end and that is what is making them mad still till this day.

So my friends sticks and stones may break my bones, but can your words ever really hurt. Not unless you allow it to happen and let their little minds get to you. Promise in the end it is never worth it because why honesty will set you free.

So sure, you can talk about the masturbating man that would get off to World Of War craft, games, or talk about how they had sex in phoenix with other women while seeing their new current wife. Or better yet talk about a purple people eater dildo that likes a wife as a cover. But really, do you need to put the words out there on paper for others to hear?

Will it make you feel better in the end, maybe when words are not kept and child support is not being paid. But will you get what you want maybe a little bit of satisfaction because now your telling he truth and being so blunt about the past.

 In another way, it will let them know that the word and pen is a very powerful thing when combined together. Then maybe the words that they like to be whispered in the dark can no longer hurt you. That their words do not mean nothing but like the
Charlie Bown teacher talking.

Now I can promise you this that when you act honestly and keep with the truth, even if that means telling about yourself, then let the honesty set you free. But also they will be let free with those words that give them straight back. So my suggestion is that let them talk and let them get it off their chest, but just remember that you have the right to give your side.

 If you do then I truly hope that you will be honest because it is so much better when they see your face tell the truth and they in the lies that they made to make them feel so much better to sleep at night.

So if you feel that you need help putting your words out there my suggestion is to do what is best and that is to write it out baby and keep it. Write it out every time you remember something and write it like no one else will read it and someday God forbid you ever do have the need for it like for court, for a child support hearing, for attorneys for a divorce. It is a way to fight and not with your hands, but with the pen just in a more professional way of manners.

If anyone should know well .... Then let me tell the ways!

Marry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holiday in whatever you believe in. That your life be filled with warm wishes and be loved.

Sabrina Ford