Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Unbelievable Last Week Success Stories

What does a Lost Love, A Donkey Family, and a Literary Agent all have in common?  Well, a lot they all have something to serve with me.  You thought a dirty joke, I know we were all going to Mexico for a weekend trip to just witness this shit.

Or did you guess it was going to be another story of my marriage. Ouch....

At the moment this is one of the greatest times of my day.  I feel like I hit the lottery because can this all be too good to be true?  I feel that over the past year I have cultivated a lot on myself and my career.  For the here and now I have made some great strides in growth.  Not only internally, simply within the writing community.

That my words are ultimately coming across to others and are being respected. That not only are my words have meaning, but business wise I am producing.  That yes, my fans are reading from all over the cosmos, well at least 33 countries. And thank you my cute little Sabrina Ford Fans!!!  That's because I possess the backing of you that you make it very hard for others to argue with me.

Well, at least on my editors point of sentiment in regards to me. I am sure they feel that I am a cocky bitch but my bluntness it's only the truth.  Seems like I have not been burned down yet from my internship as well.

Seems like somebody made a mistake in regards to my writing. I guess that my readers do come with numbers.  Like I stated, it is a numbers game as well and when a writer comes with more fans than the sight.  Well, perhaps that might be the first clue that I am not just a writer, but a smart business woman who knows what is good.

What is shocking that my editors did not imagine that I would stand up for the words that were being said. Why would I not want to do that?  The fact that I am a newcomer on the writing block, well, I threw that theory out. Here is the thing that folks are exhausted of being told what they should be told.  Readers are getting pissed off because they are not being told the truth as they should.  

Look, here is the cogent evidence and anyone that has been in this field knows that you are being told what to write, what to put in the headlines and if the others do not like it they change it. A title, a word here or there.  Why, when we are totally grown and if you can not hang with knowing the truth then don't read anything. Or just go scan the top 10 or 15 for just a blur of some facts.  

Then what there is a lying problem across the board and has become the primary launch of our time.  That is then sad when being truthful is the thing of the past.  I think not, and what is so awesome about being blunt of this fourth dimension.  Are that words are going to have the power and the faster that others understand this that more and more rights will become valid.  How can you ignore a lot of people on the same page being united?

With that off the plate to sing about, the next questions is where does the donkey and lost love come in for this week.  Well, I will tell you, did you know that a female donkey is a Jenny and a male is called Jack.  I guess I have been living in the city for too long that I blanked out. Somehow, with my new property I have added to the family and now I have a Jenny, with Jack and a Bob.    It also took finding this information from an old acquaintance.

Well, this old friend found me, he had to do some digging but he found me. This one I have known since my teens.  I mean we go back to my first marriage, was even there when my first born came to this Earth.  So we go back at least 15 years now and no affairs were ever a function of our relationship.  We just always found each other later in every big relationship we each have had.  

For some reason we always see each other after a big breakup.  But due to just bad timing, we simply never could be.  The silly thing is that I invariably knew that it would not last long during those times.  Still willing to be a part of the madness because I truly experienced my own kryptonite.

I could and cannot say no to him. I never imagined we would see each other again, but we have.  I truly cannot recall what was going on prior to last week because of him being back.  I never knew that love can simply pick up where it left off. Like nothing was ever in between each other.

No other relationships, nothing but the love that we hold for each other. That these emotions are not crazy and that the overwhelming feeling is pure delight.  I am not talking a sexual passion either, I mean there is that, merely there is depth between us that nothing could break a bond.  I mean about 8 years have gone by since the last time I saw him and nothing has changed.  Every touch, every kiss made the 8 years worth feeling again.

That he not only looked for me but he looked for me about for 5 years. That he really just wanted to know if I was okay. That is what love is about and caring for each other to just not stop the hope to find one another again.

After my marriage, I have been on this dating hell of going out and attempting to see if I can move on.  It is real difficult to date in my field that I am working on. One the boys either want to spill the beans about their past to understand what happened and what went wrong.  That's because I am going into Sexology they think I need a practice dummy for my training.

Look finding a cock is very easy to find but nothing like noticing the real deal.  I can show thigh and there you go a dick is ready for me to have but I want more than that. I want the real deal that will not take back what they pronounce.  Pretty simple, but I get a batch of different offers. I mean I was even asked if he could pee on me. Yes, you know who you are R. Kelly!

I have been offered some crazy sex, but once more, I am not building a Roster Club. Great writing material, but not what a girl is looking for.  So having somebody in my life that knows me and knows me for being a normal woman that just by chance is a writer about a lot of different subjects. It's extremely nice to have back in my life and to be around.

It would be nice to be in love with someone before I hit it big too. Meaning that I know he has cared for me for years and loved me when I had money and when I had nothing. That's because I am growing and I am getting new offers on the table at least once a week now. It might be time for a literary agent now that I am a published author. That's my blog and following is growing to be something more than what I  have ever dreamed it would be.

I received an email that states it is time and looked forward to meeting up to discuss the growth of the Sabrina Ford Brand name. So having someone that can help support me and not be scared of what will be would be so nice.

Being found by my lost love was Thursday of last week. My editors realized I had stopped writing and wanted to know why??? Silly rabbit, but  also to have them read my blog to prove a point and by Saturday was contacted by a literary agent to lets get to work on the brand. This all happened in a three day span and man I would not change anything that has happened.

I feel that whatever is meant to be will happen, but what a way to go forth. To have a friend again that was lost, now back. To have him support you and understand the goal at hand. Now, I  did promise not to move again for him. So I am not sure where this will all lead, but I am sure that I am enjoying the moment.

Sabrina Ford

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Response

As the writer world turns, to how many days does it take to have an editor respond to your questions in an email? If you recall my letter to the editor, and it took this amount of days to have any response. So as true as I am, I will let you read what was being sent. I only remove the names to be nice and still be a lady of writing.

I'll check with one of the editorial assistants that mostly edits your work. Truly, there are many mistakes in your job. I love your ambition and the high energy behind your passion. However, when an editor must edit every sentence, then it becomes an issue. I'll try to see if I can schedule a time with you and the editorial assistant or "Editor's name" to speak further.

So in response I went through every article that is pending or published, and here they are. I had them already because I wanted to keep what I need to remember for my next articles. I receive all comments in one day. I also responded to all in one day.  
Editors Comments From Articles

Then put the editor’s comments on my social networks. Only wanting to know if Sabrina Ford Fans felt if the editor was correct in their statement. Did the assistant editor must work on every sentence of mine due to I guess a lack of knowledge? I assume the writer tries that to state.

Now, here is my response on the matter. I feel I take responsibility for what mistakes I do and will make, but I listened. I took it to heart to never make those mistakes again. That is why I have the Editor's Comments from Articles list. To keep what was being said about every article that I have written. Wanting to improve and wanting to learn how to be the best writer I can be is number one. Surely every author feels this way, assuming.

Here is the issue being pointed out. None of my points or questions are being made from the email sent to the editor. Nor do I feel that the editors must edit every article written.  Even if they find an error it not like it is all 600 words or more. We are taking a handful of edits and that is it.
That all edits was done by me again and only took less than a 2 hours to edit all 27 articles.  When I say I responded to all comments that means reading and letting the editor know what is being responded to. Even if I could do nothing about the issue I still responded. Like technical issues meaning the photo did not upload correctly.  Or the code came out wrong on the other side of the platform and I could not see it on my end.

Still not seeing this as an editing issue on grammar when the percent shows more technical. If it was every sentence being edited, it would have taken at least a week to do so. Because I took almost a month to write all the 27 articles being posted as we speak.

I find that when I first wrote the first email last week not only did my readers read my article but all 1500 in one day. I can have about 12k readers in a week from 33 countries. I take pride in my work and really make it an honor to write for you. That you take the time for me to read my work or support me in my times of writing. That you my readers, I take note and I feel the need to always prove to you no matter what.

That is why I post everything, which is why I keep it real! So you know that being blunt is about being honest. That being blunt is now the word for honesty. That the word honest is defined as the past and part of history instead.  When you think about it that way kind of makes you sad that history has become this.

I feel that article writing has changed. That because readers want to understand that the writer knows what the hell they are talking about. That opinions matter in the news and that news is opinionated. That if the writer does not put their flare it will be just like every other TV news station repeating the same thing written by another writer.

That is why Elite Daily has so many readers because they keep it real and allow their writer be free. By allowing the words like “I” and “myself “. That not everyone wants to read the top 10 and have more sustenance instead of an advertisement.

That maybe it is time for the writers to take a stand on what is being put out. I mean their name is being put on this paper or pen name take your pick. You would think there would be more of a say so when in today's time anything can be posted.

Meaning to say this article will be on my network and my platform. That I will get all the readers and numbers. Not their site, now if this article was being put on their site then they would have the numbers. Not, the case as you can see. It really is a numbers game to be honest about who has more than the other. I guess it is time to keep it real!

Sabrina Ford

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Letter To The Editor

Okay, my Sabrina Ford Fans,

Please read this email that I wrote this morning, and please your comments are much needed at this time. I know there are a few of you that do read my work, and that means so much to me! That is why I believe that this email I wrote is me standing up for the rights of voices that need to begin to be heard and discussed.

I wrote that email thinking that it is what my readers need from me as a writer. That I felt so hard that it may cost me my internship, but I did it with the belief that what is important should begin the talk process.
That I do not want to cave and write about Clothing and top 10 DYI. Please do not get me wrong those are important topics too but just read the email and go from there and you make the call.  I am just asking for as much feedback to show to my editor what I am talking about.

Thank you so much for reading and taking the time for me.

Sabrina Ford

Morning Editor, 

I will start looking for ideas on List Articles...

I went over on the Rush side and went through all the other articles, and the pending ones are ready. Now do you want me to take the other articles out since they are opinion articles I will place them somewhere else if so.

I will also be checking the other platforms for the other feedback to get those ready as well. 

Since you need list articles is there a topic you just want since that is what is being asked and required?

Also how long will I have to wait to write anything else then? I would like to be honest with you, that I do not like this kind of writing of the Top 10 etc.They are not what I like to write about or good at to be frank. That is why I do not write them or pick to do them. Also, I have a hard time talking about material things when that is not the priority in my life. I mean I live on 800.00 a month because I am doing this instead of working at this time. 

So my question is how long will I be held under these restrictions? My entire profile is about me giving my opinion. I am telling you my readers do not like when I write about list articles. That my numbers show it and I can prove the difference in the figures. 

I am becoming a Ph.D. In Psychology, that will specialise in Sex. Talking about things that make the mind come out and what sciences can begin to express and to make others think.  I thought that by writing about these topics  I could show the other side of the brain. Plus write about what others can not say but think it. That this is the Era of bluntness, and people are tired of being refined. Look at why Trump is so big and that is because of what he says. 

My viewpoint of me and my writing is that I am going to be the modern Dr. Ruth with a mixture of Howard Stern. I am blunt, and I am different in my thinking because I am from the south that is a woman. Things are still held back by being a woman here. That because I have been honest with my readers about my life and what I went through in my marriage that is what they expect to read and not list articles.  I mean I wrote about domestic violence, a gay man being in the closest, a woman having to leave a marriage because of it. The things that make others not make it that need to know how. 

That how did I walk away from a millionaire, go entirely from 10 k in my account on a monthly basis to 800 a month. That is what I write about things that people do not survive from and cause people to drink and do drugs. I say this because this is what happened and it happens on a daily base.  I saw it with my ex because of him hiding his past of wanting to be gay. 

I would have spoken to you about this but seem this is the only way to get a response? I am very willing to do my part, but there needs to be some word on when I can go back. If not I am not sure how this will work out for everyone in the end. 

I am sacrificing a lot to be an intern with your company. I get up early every morning, go without pay and put out as much as possible. Even put my school work on hold because I know you need writers. I see who is writing too. So I need to know if there is a light at the end of the tunnel or do I need to make other arrangements to have my opinion articles go somewhere else?  


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Helping A Girl Out !

Okay My Loved Ones, Freinds and Family. Can you please if possible take a peek at my Articles. Please like if you like what you read. Even if you do not want to leave a good comment, that is fine. All comments are all welcome. Being an Intern for this Company makes feedback being priceless. Thank You Always for your Support! Tammy aka Sabrina Ford


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Do I feel Older?

1996 Article Written about me!
As I stare at the mirror, I begin to think Do I feel Older? I mean I look the same. I even have proof and hope that my DNA is high enough to pass this lovely gene on to my daughter and son. That they will always look young because I have been lucky so far if I must say so myself.

At least this year I did not have to call my mother to see how old I was. I go through this I forget me bullshit and that would include in my age not being remembered. That is a damn shame I forget all the time! To be honest, this year I started to remind myself early so I would not forget. However, I was successful in not forgetting my damn day and how hold I was going to be.

Being that today is my birthday I do not feel that age is the issue with birthdays and that the issue is slanting more towards between the lines on how people stun me. That I am very sure that I am certain it is the same for others as well. That the people that I thought I knew was not what I thought, and that is in a positive light or negative.  That what seems to the naked eye is nothing like what is behind closed doors.

It is funny to see how people use each other now that I am older too. I see how life looks so different from being younger. I have been gone from my hometown for almost ten years and man how things have changed. Not just the town but the people as well. Time does that and makes you confused about what was and what is.

Now being older my heroes are not so much a hero anymore. The ones that I never gave a chance became to be something so much more in my life. Developing into this more seasoned age I see now that my contemplations are not the same as they were ten years prior or even approaches what I recall it to be. That a town that I once fit in now seems all so different now and makes me think that did I change?

Then the next questions should be, did the town change and the people that have been here since the day of dawn? I believe that we both have changed, and some of us grew and bloomed into something more. While others bloomed and well fizzled out as if they were the light of a flame. It is sad to see what you thought that once was.  That when you were a  little one the thought was this and then now you are older it is nothing that you remembered and talked about being a disappointed.

I mean it is not my fault or anyone else on how things look now as we become older and compare to the past. That it is okay to remember the past and that you have these changing feelings. That by remembering the past that you are giving respect to once was and that it does go along with the territory of remembering that once was.  That by becoming older you see that it is normals as well to have all the changes to become to be. That to take the good with the bad and only remember what is good and leave the negative.

I feel that now being 34 or whatever age I will be god willing. That I will need to understand that there will be growth, and then there will be those that stay in the same memory. That by growing into your aging body that it is okay to change into what you want to be. The reason I say this is because people will come and go from your life, but only you have this body. Only you will be able to enjoy what life has to offer. Why waste it by hoping that someone will change because if he or she can not accept that you have changed.  Then for sure they are not going to put the effort in making the change for the difference. So focus on the positive and what will be and not what is not.

Sabrina Ford and Oh Happy Birthday To ME!!!