Thursday, April 16, 2015


Now I have tried to write this Blog several times now. Not because of the topic, no nothing like that. It is because of who the subject is about. I have known this man for a very long time. What is funny to me is whom people will talk about online dating and how your chances can be slim but you can date someone you have known for years. Find out he is Batshit Crazy, not just little crazy but like Damn dude.  So anyone that does know me should A. Should know better to act like Ass like this, B should have read some of my Blogs to know there was a possibility that this shit may go down on paper.

So in a way I believe He asked for this, that he wanted this, and that he wanted to have his actions and his words written about. AGAIN  I will not say Your name, and nothing personal will not be given, So don’t cry and no sweating she will not find out,  and no one knows who you are. Don’t worry, and no one will be laughing at the real thought of your real name. So no worries mate!

So  it should start this way, and you asked for it! So this Blog will start stating this First and Sincerely and with Respect. Let's do not forget to Bow because you were my Teacher. You and I have known each other for a very long time. Me 14 you ten years older, me trusting you as my teacher and actually holding on to every word you had to say. So when I say this, I do mean every word… I wish your Mother would have swallowed you instead!

Yes, that is how this should start out for you Mr. Sensei Grubstake.

Definitions for grubstake

  1. money or other assistance furnished at a time of need or of starting an enterprise.
  2. provisions, gear, etc., furnished to a prospector on condition of participating in the profits of any discoveries

So my beautiful Sabrina Fans lets me explain now. Back in the Day lets rewind a bit, I was a fighter and this man was my teacher. At that time, he was a young teacher and nothing happened then. Oh gosh no and now we are older and yes it would have been fine but there is always a but. Do you know what this lovely man offered me Coitus? You know I may have 99 problems but a Dick is not one of them. Wasn’t that kind of him to offer me sex, when he does live with this woman that lives with that does have a child. Whom he said that he had helped raise, love, consider yours. Now this woman is also his business partner too, but quickly say’s that they are not married. So she lied to him about her being able to have children and now she can not. States they do not even sleep in the same bed with each other and BLAH. Said because we have known each other and that the trust is there so why not. See his thinking was because I was just getting back into the dating world and that he knows I just don’t give it up. He thought he would offer his services to me. You know I scratch his back, and he scratches my kind of thing. 

So let's get this straight this business that he owns too is a kind of a like GPS find your Mate shop. You name it they have it to track people. So she finds out that he is getting ass; she follows his ass down. Oh yeah, I see this show going to Jerry Springer in 2 weeks real quick.

So during the conversation he talked about what he liked sexually. So I listed, and I went along with it and why because that is what I do. I write about this stuff. I just never would have thought I that I would ended up lying and saying I was going to Chicago for two weeks when I never even left my home. I was even telling my Family what I did because they, of course, know him. They laughed their asses off. I did not leave the area at all. I had no idea why I lied; I could have just said no, but he made me feel so weird that it made me act weird.  Okay more mysterious than normal.

He wanted to meet up and just hang out to see if we clicked and to see where it went with each other. I kept saying to be nice that you may not even like what you see. To be honest it was the truth but why would I want to sleep with my 2nd degree Black Belt Teacher. That is the belt that I was going for when I was with this Teacher back in the day.  It was crazy he was even talking about 420 too and can you say Retired Officer of the court TOO! I was even saying to him “I would have never thought that I would be having this conversation” with him at this age and at this time. Now thinking about it I would have never imagined I would be writing in my blog about him. To make things even more creepy, he kept calling and sending messages over and over. The last one was even more desperate, and it was at 3 am. The only reason it was even creepier and that I know is that when during my writing time.  I write at night, so I was up, but even I was going to bed at that time. So I even told him it was too late. He kept wanting to know when we were going to meet up even after I said we will talk about this later. Bad Teacher Bad!

So MR. Sensei no I will not meet you, and here is the reason. You lied you said there was nothing between you and your partner. There is no respect for her and the package deal. You have no respect for anything, and you have not grown up one bit! That is why sooner or later she will find out who you are. That picture of you and her together where she is hanging on your neck kissing you with The Mask on your face. Her one leg lifted in the air and arms around your neck. She seems so happy and seems that there was love with that smile that she has for you. So quickly to be willing to throw it away for some ass. An Affair is always wrong no matter what but wants you said your would not be having an affair. Why because your not married to her, oh yes that is correct that is what you said. See no matter what You say no but it always ends bad and so many wrongs in so many ways.

Did you ever think why she does not want to sleep with you? Maybe it is you; Maybe you are not giving her what she needs. You are the one who has the issue and not her. I do think that you need some help because the way you kept sending messages in Creeping of the night just seems like a woman douchebag thing to do is to  hook up with an old student of yours. WOW, that is is a no-no!, I had one crazy ex and just not looking for a stroll down that path but thanks for the offer. Thank but no thanks. Just FYI,  it is not healthy in the brain to act this way. Might want to check the meds my friend.

Now for my Sabrina Ford fans, as you can see you can go online, or you can go out with someone you know and your STILL, have a 50/50 chance for it to work out.  I have known this man forever and back in the Day he was like the Man to have. He was the hot one. All the girls wanted him like I said to him he bent over, and pussy fell over right in front of him. He could have whatever he wanted. So the thing with dating is your taking a chance no matter what, at any time at any given point. Things can happen now or down the road. It is what the cards hold will it be good or will it be bad. Who knows if you do not try, but if you do not how will you not know. Not knowing is so boring so yes I go all in because of who I am. Some are not, that is fine too, but you can not complain about being lonely though. SO my closing statement You have a 50/50 chance of finding love and making it work. Are you the only one that can make this happen of course. If you want it to work then, you will focus your energy the right way. Just remember don’t take it to heart when you meet a Schlemiel. They are just here, and it can not be helped. However, Let's hope by me writing this will show that the Student can Teach the Teacher!
Smooches and Much Love,
Sabrina Ford

Definitions for schlemiel

  1. Slang. an awkward and unlucky person for whom things never turn out right.


noun, plural dichotomies.
division into two parts, kinds, etc.; subdivision into halves or pairs.
division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups:
a dichotomy between thought and action.
Botany. a mode of branching by constant forking, as in some stems, in veins of leaves, etc.
Astronomy. the phase of the moon or of an inferior planet when half of its disk is visible.



noun, Slang.                      No Worries my Fans ,The definition's are for The Teacher
a detective.
Vulgar. penis.


Friday, April 10, 2015

What Started The Writing

So due to my new single life and because it can be funny to date. I have been well, writing about it. Let's just say this is good writing material on what to do and what not to do. So I sent off one of my journal entries titled "Boomhower". Due to me being me and because I ended up dating the only one that I could not understand. I had no idea What the hell he was saying . So suggestion number one might want to be something simple. Like speaking on the phone together to know what kind of accent that you’ve got on your hands.  Might want to start off with that. It was funny to them, and they wanted more writings because my date was such failure. How nice, so we are going to do a test run in a different state of my writing with a blog. So yeah me, I think great I can write but what does this say about the dating skills?  Who knows but this has been fun writing about the subjects and doing the research? Who knows maybe I can fall in love, and few of us can laugh along the way with me. Alternatively, say been there and done that, and wow never knew that people can be that freaky in the bedroom do not worry I am not doing it. I will be asking the questions… Most likely I have already tested the question so not going to pass judgement on anyone!  Who knows I may not have any ideas on how or what or wow really? Never know you might be the teacher and I the student?
Smooches and Much Love,

Sabrina Ford

Thursday, April 9, 2015

To Heal Without Your F@#* You Good Bye!

I know you have been there, I have been there with your glass of wine. Lights down low, Adele playing and you are singing your ass off to Set Fire To The Rain.  I tend to be a very much a music person. I relate to music very much when healing. On top of it I sing, thank god I have fabulous vocal cords, or my children would kill me.

Now I can tell you I did read everything from every issue we (my ex and me) had online. I cried; I screamed, and I called whom I trusted enough to talk about it. I can tell you on no matter whatever the subject at hand and I think I can talk about it all. SO when I say can talk about it let me list it?

Drugs and I mean, not the medical kind that you bake and you buy in CO. We are talking about your Nose or Hey Miss. Whitney or Hey Bobby you got anymore?

Sex not with me, Oh god no. You know how many Aids test you can have. I should have invested in stocks!

Sex with women, and ugly too!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Sex with men and ugly too!

Sex with Both and both were ugly too!

Over 5000 emails to you name it had a pee pee talk!

Let's do not forget all the lies, and more lies, all the money that was spent on drugs. Everything that was lost and due to drugs and lies being made by one person.

Major Wino and Loved to drink anything that that was not from your local grocery store. Had to come a liquor store. 

The number one: This one is a Blog event of its own. You noticed I said EVENT! Yes, Event Purple people eater Dildo. Oh, I went there, yes Sir. However, that will need a two bottles of wine. Hell, maybe a drive to CO. then write about it because it is an Event!

So now what to do there is a very upset, broken confused bitter, heavy heart that now is afraid to be with her husband. That was the downfall of my beautiful marriage to a millionaire that I walked away from after seven years. You know how many fuck you’s are be  owed to this man. So many of a Million times 3 billion.

So I am going to tell you something that will save you some time. So yes as you can see my list of Oh Holy what the Crap what! Can this actually happen, you have no idea. I would be more than glad to prove it in so many ways let me tell the ways. That is not where we are at this point in the blog yet. We are at the healing process at the moment. Well, the first thing is Whatever you do is don’t go back to the Barbarian! That is number one, Danger Houston!  That is your kryptonite stay away, plus they do not care nor them going to give you what you want to know. If they did, they would have told you already what you wanted to hear. It is like a broken record, you have asked them and nothing. That is what the point of why your butt is crying now. 

Acceptance is high, but at this point there is a thing called fuck it.  So you have a SOB of a partner. If some us have had An enjoyable experience then you are very lucky, and I know it is there. I have seen it, and I believe in it. So don’t take me as is this Jaded Bitch. I just have “The I Do not Care Face Look”.  Becoming sad and crying plus  went through the little terrorist mind games with my Ex-Husband.  The games of going back and forth of us being back together of “working on the Marriage” then just “Fuck It Attitude Kicked into High Gear” on the idea. I got MAD like we all do, I assuming  it is  normal to do so. I wanted  it to be  a lot easier to let go and be free of him than to keep holding on to that ugliness that was being created by one man that just lied. Freedom is much better than him, so I picked freedom. Some people feel need that they must have this closer to moving on, but put that out of your mind because you may not get this ever. I never did.  I flat out read the emails of my husband wanting other men, and their cock, their bodies. This was not me, not my body, nor less a body part that I do not own nor even care to want to have. Unless it is a Purple People Eater Dildo. Ha, such a tease haha

Even reading those things this is what I was told, I am not Gay, I do not want to be a man meaning my ex-husband. I am just was curious because of the size of the penis and because mine is small.  He wanted to know because his was small? He wrote over 500 emails in one night to talk about the difference in cock and size and about wanting them. So he could talk about size, and that was his excuse, and that this was his first time.  Now, I was madly in love with him, and we were madly in love we each other and for a long time and I believed him. I know it does sound so stupid and silly, but I did believe AT first. After a year of it, then two years of it, then things did change. Oh for sure it changed in our relationship, I was changing because of it too. It was the beginning of it, and the opening of the Door that I never knew was even there. Until that day, I never knew that Craig’s List had a personal’s add and what their little abbreviations and all the meanings were.

So here is the Secret, its Time, and everything is just bullshit. Well, therapy will work if you believe in it. Being healthy and working out and finding something to do in your spare time is great but it is still Time. Time does heal what is killing you what is inside. I never thought at first I would get over my Ex- Husband, then I wanted him never to get over me because of all the hurt that he caused. So he knew what it felt like to be without, to hurt like Children and I. That will and is never going to be because Karma does not ever work like that. I do think that there is a place down the road where Time comes for everyone to heal, or even to Bite you in the ass. I am starting to believe  that Time  also can be Two outs with One Pitch too! 

Smooches and Much Love!


Sabrina Ford  



Monday, April 6, 2015

OH Bug Boy why are you such a Pest!


Hello Sabrina readers, Thank you so much for making March such a grand start to a beautiful beginning. For being just the first month and when I say a month I mean 15 days only. There were over 500 readers and even ten countries that read the blog too! You want Names I can even do better than that I will post it! Just like that! That is amazing and from the Bottom of my Heart thank you for being supportive and taking the time for me. Now that is said there is a reason for the title!


So a quick catch up, so I believe in my professional opinion Murr took it like a real champ. You know last week’s Blog about told you all about him. I mean he did know that he would at some point he would have the chance to become Potential Romantic Protagonist. I never gave him a heads up. So, it went like this I asked him if he had read the blog lately he said “ not Lately.”  I was “Oh, um I  see, well you may need to because I came out about my ex and well about you. “  “He was my letter?” and see I original wrote him his personal letter, his own that was just for him. Yes, something that was different and that was only meant for his eyes. So I did explain that is different and that he needed to read it. He was not upset and was great with it. The only thing he did ask was what did I like regularly in the physical department, and I did explain.  We continue to speak on a regular base still seem fine. The only problem though is due to schedule; it will be a month before we can see each other again. So we will see, but still continue to have excellent communication if not I guess we can be pen pals.


What my Murr Kind of looks Like , could be his double !!


Now to the Title: if I could add music I would add it here. The dramatic music kind right here!


Now I met Pest Boy back a while ago before Murr and met on Match too. The Reason I call him this is because Mommy and Daddy own a Pest Control Business in the local Area within a 100 miles in my areas that I call home. He does have siblings, and it is a family run business and seems to have been going for a long time. So congrats to Parental units for working so hard for their children but I sincerely hope that their other children do not act this way to the other human being especially the other party called the other sex. I met him on one date but wait let me go back. We did email each other through Match back and forth. Seemed to have a great communication going, so we went to TEXT. We moved up a step, and I was fine with this. He was getting the check marks so far so sure why not move on to the next step of talking. Even better communication, can speak over the phone. Now remember what I learned the number one rule. Need to see if you can understand what the hell he is saying. Two Check if  he looks like a man, He seems to like women, says he does not like men, so he says. Then next things can I understand what he is saying, or we are going to have another Boomhauer moment. So far so good, so we made plans to meet and have a dinner date. Now this was before I met  Murr, History. Remember I said HISTORY




So we went on a dinner date to one of my favorite local  places that just closed down. Who I  got a lovely chance to see an old friend from school. Be in her Restaurant one last chance before it closed  its  doors in this year. It was so great to see her. So out of something bad will come something good. So seeing her was it, not the date!  At this point, I do not know this though, he is the fox in jeans  wearing smelling cologne that is not fare for a woman that  thought about creating  The Jew Nun Getting any worship Temple. So Deer piss could feel good at this point. Hey, hey, HEY  you been there. You know where you look down and  just tap it to see if you feel it. Make sure the nerves are  still alive and  things are still in check.  So back to the date, so the entire time check this  out we talked about GOD and Messianic Jews. Yes, don’t pass out I can  write about  other things besides sex, gay ex-husband, and  write  a book  about  the  experience. 




So it was a pleasant night, it was not bad, no pressure, and we had plans to see each other again. He even  snuck in a kiss, and that was not bad, but it was not sparks.Just kept thinking that I was cold and want to get in my  vehicle.He was not afraid to do so, and that was cool I will give him that. Fine player play on  and we  kept on with the phone calls. Now let the shade begin!




Mistake  one dumb  dumb made the Female Radar turns on. How the following week he calls  asked  me out on a Friday night. He would like  to ask if I would like to come over, hang out, have a BBQ with some friends and just  relax and get to know each other. Sure I was in all in, nothing  like meeting their friends and knowing the truth about someone. So as I am getting reading I get this text “before you get on the road call me.” So I was Dressed now mind this, so this was say 45 min later.  So he decided to call me and explain why he made the mistake of the double booking, so he started the call.”Well See this girl I have been seeing; she started to cry.When I told her that I made plans to you. See  she does not talk to me like you do. Well, I have been seeing her for a month and well I have gone to church with her and her son. I guess I need to talk to her, I said oh you think. So I said I will make it easy for you and said bye!




The call ended, so asshole double booked. I would have been cool if he had just said there was another because I was still talking to other too at that time as well, but You don’t double book me. That is rude  but then he was sending messages saying he has not spoken with her  and wanted to continue to  get the chance to know each other. So there was a Day  my sister gave me a .99 cent balloon. I do not need much to entertain me and was singing and trash talking  in a little person voice. Now no-one get upset because I said little person. I am not not far from it I am 4’11. So we were supposed to meet and for  a date and  some reason I am not sure.  If it was  because the house was not up to MONEY stature. Or what he wanted or what was the cause for him to bail on the date. Never heard  from again so any worries. Life moves on so the other day out of the Blue I get this Message from him. It states.


“Sorry, I lost my best friend. Don't feel like explaining anything to anybody . I hope you’re doing well-found  somebody to  love  you.“




“I am doing well… I am sorry about your loss.”




“Thank you “




“No love Yet but I am sure I will find  it out there. I am sorry we did not work out.




You  will!  I stopped looking. Not doing superb lately. Feel like giving  up. That  sucks.


Me :


I am sorry you feel like that … You would have never felt this way If you would have just let go with me.  Nothing more ends the scene. The End  well I was asleep and at 12:15 I get this message from




“I still look at you pictures when I jack -off  FYI  “ now that is the end of the scene!




I am not talking dirty pictures and nothing showing skin. So no porn was sent out over the internet  nothing that I could not  be ashamed of   I felt like he lied about  his friend to get ass. I felt like he was trying act pathetic to get ass. Almost like the  he wanted to be that pathetic guy babysitting he friends  kid  to get the girl action. So shady so PEST Bug Boy there is nothing  like the  present in you being Pathetic  with you being this way. Acting this  way is called having an illness, and there is not anyone  right-minded female  that would  be  Drawn to this. Text messages and if I am going to add this message then the cock  pic  conversation  up  for grabs too, No pun intended! At this point, I feel I have kept your info private. Nothing about who you are and I even made you sound  more intelligent because I did change some words. I mean the  issue of why you're still single is  could be because of not going  Eco-Friendly  on  the Pest –Control. Maybe breathing in  this stuff  way to much, and it is going to your fat head. I am just saying let's stop the hate crimes on the DICK pics. Look I am not saying I am cocky Bitch, I am not perfect, but let's admit Women are beautiful  to look at  VS a Dick pic. If you're going to send it make sure it is a beautiful cock and not  just spamming it  to a  woman  by texting  cock  pictures. Just because  your mummy and  daddy did  the wild  deed. Created  your fat head, and because your were Born with a  pee pee you think you need to send me a picture of it. Look darling  this is not flash cards, sight and  say and hope that you get to play with that toy when the flash cards are over. I promise you we  as ladies do not want to see your Dick on a pic! Not even with Balls.  So before you hit send  a stop before it is too late.  Unless you have a Cock with flames  that can make  a woman  change her mind, and then I would advise  you little  boy you might  want to watch  the  Men. Maybe you will learn  something and improve as a human  and treat  women with respect and know when we want to see your cock  or know what you are doing with your  cock. I am sorry  you  took  me for someone that  thought  your cock  was  worth  climaxing  too! Nasty Pest BugBoy  time for you to grow up son!   


Smooches and  Much  love,



Sabrina  Ford