Sunday, October 11, 2015

One Love Is Hard To Find Or A Free Title?

  • What a week people, talk about WOWZA! 

    I find that people talk a lot and never follow through or the story is always changing. I tend to not be like that and I tend to be real honest.  I feel that honesty is the key and to sustaining a clean future in life.  Why waste it on bullshit experience? When deep down you know that it is just crap to waste your time. 

    Now sometimes my honesty can be harsh and loud. When I say what I am feeling there is a reason behind my words. Knowing that I am not saying it to hear myself talk really, I even hate reading out my work out loud.  It is entailed for you my readers and for the ones that gave me the thought of why I write about these topics.
  • As I get older I am starting to listen to that feeling that is inside of me.  You know that deep down belief that tells you to do it or NOT to do it. I wish more people would practice that instead of talking out loud.  It just makes you seem like a Jackass.  
  • So on that note, I am letting you my readers know that I was so excited to work with the "Famous Chef D". That is funny because isn't always start off like this, nice and great and then BAM out of left field BULLSHIT comes my way. 
  • Now for someone who talks about life and being real was not very honest as I would have thought of him to be. Now the reason I say that it is because he tried to pull one on me. Now I have to say how dare he not think that I would not respond with a blog? I guess he really has not read my work.  
  • Now this man came to me to write his story of his life and talked about another book idea. Now can I be a bitch and tell everyone what the story idea is about. Well, yeah, because he wants to copy the idea of Chef Jeff Henderson! The only reason I know this is because he spoke about it and he even knew that Will Smith purchased the rights of Chef Jeff's book. A business conversation with THE FOOD NETWORK’S CHEF JEFF HENDERSON
  • I mean, how did I know about it because of him and let me say this I can back up every word in regards to this because I keep all records of everything from emails, text messages, and all my calls are recorded. The reason I do this if I do an interview, then I can go back and replay what was said. He knew this, and this was advised at first before anything stated. He gave approval by continuing to talk about his idea. 
  • He wanted to write a fiction bio and combine the story idea of Chef Jeff's story with his plot of life. Seems like a copy cat if he cannot come up with something better than someone's real life story. Now that was clue one and the second clue is even better than the first. 
  • Now when he came to me he had a set price in his head. I even asked him because I said you know what you can afford than I. He said 2500 off the spot and this was to write a book, help with the query letters and that would include my readers and social networking plugs on my end on my sites. I say that is a lot when I have almost 14k readers now. 
  • Call me crazy, but that is a lot on my end to offer a copy cat man. Now I invited him out to my house and to do a meet and greet. Talked about what his ideas were and what he wanted in the books. Talking about money and now remember he offered 2500 and then counter himself with 25% royalty fees included. Now did I counter the percentages well of course, like any Chinese, Jewish business woman would do. I counter with 5% and he agreed. No issues about it and both said great. 
  • We went over timelines and even have a Title that I created. One Love is Hard To Find. Now here is the second issue. Do you go back to the person that you want to hire and say, well I have been thinking and what if the book does not get picked up and I paid you for everything. What if you only write a few chapters and then send out Query letters. Because I do not think that you are worth the price. 
  • Now I gave him prices on what I am being paid by another platform where I will be paid by word and 35% of advertising royalty fees. I have also been offered a job with Facebook as a social network writer. Now that is not going to be chump change either. Now by looking at his writing and this is being copied and pasted and there are edits that will need to be done for sure! 
  • Now I am going by word for word, " I am sorry, you are not worth 2500 for query letters and a few chapters, 30 percent of profits and royalties for half the work. I will do it then pay a lot less to edit." "$2500 for query letters and a couple of chapters. Our agreement was $2500 for one book And 30 percent Most people do not even get money if they are given a percentage I already gave you the story and help writing it" " For query letters and a couple of chapters. The money you getting paid, you creating the story. I created the entire story, already came up witg the name, helping you write it. Actually probably do most of the writing and you want $2500 for a query letter and a couple of chapters? And 30 percent of the book?" " I think I can write my own query letter and a couple of chapters then pay 500-1000 just to edit" " Sorry, too much! No offense, not taking away from your writing skills, but I was offered 3725 from a published book author and he was doing all the work I already have, I went to several ghostwriters before you" "Not saying you are not, but you have not published one book? Look at it from my side? If they were doing half the work, do you think they would pay you that? Better yet give you 30 percent of all profits and royalties? I am gambling on you who has never published a book, pay you $2500 for some query letters and a few chapters? Then not even knowing if the publishers picks it up? It will probably take a month or even less to write the query letters and chapters. Then we stop until a publisher picks it up. If they do, then start writing again and you get the rest." 'Meaning $800 for query letter and a few chapters of one book.You actually getting the best of it. You came it someone who basically created the entire story and helping you do the work. You have not looked at that yet Just like you say about your time, my time helping on the book is also valuable " "I am sorry, you are not worth 2500 for query letters and a few chapters, 30 percent of profits and royalties for half the work. I will do it then pay a lot less to edit. Thanks T" " Publish some books, then you can put any price you can and build credibility. Kinda like me, I had to charge low rates first ti build up my clientele, now I can charge whatever because I also have the references to back it up. You taking it personal and it's just business. You ego cannot let you see it from my side of a business standpoint"
  • Who goes back after someone has set a price, or goes back on their own set price? Someone that does not know what business is. Someone that is a weak link and someone who thinks because he has a dick he can treat a woman like this. I think not and let me say one thing I have had my own business when I was 11 years of age and had it for 8 years and kept working ever since.
  • So you can kiss my yellow ass CHEF D and let me slap you with my imaginary penis and here is why I can say this.
  • I am worth a lot because of how I am as a person, and more than 2500 that is for sure. My work does speak for itself because I have the fans to back up what I do. They will tell you that is for sure. I am sure you can cook and to be honest, no one in my family liked what you made. It has no spice and it was runny Hints why the others wanted things to wrap your food that you made. Like a tortilla that was needed to hold what given to us for dinner and he made an enchilada dinner.
  • The other thing that needs to be pointed out is that for someone that had to go to chef school with a bunch of whities that have black issues you seems to have some white issues yourself. Now how would others feel about eating your food when they are not the correct skin color? 
  • Why spend money on you when you feel this way. Now do not question what I have to say, sir, because I will hit play!
  • Please when you think that by saying what you said to me that you can tarnish what I have worked up to because of what? Help me understand why you think you can say this to someone? I mean really you feel that you that special and above others that they should bow down to you as a Million dollar deal?
  • If that was the case, then if worth a million dollars would you make splash about 2500? Seems like chump change if you're worth is that. But that is the case you are not and never be anything more than a person who fakes his way to the top. Someone that lies about getting into school so he can be something else next to these white folks.
  • Chef D it would have been a good story if you were not stealing it from someone else. The reason you have heart problems is because you put yourself in this lie. Plus smoking and being overweight is the other issue too. What kills me is that you talk about your heart, but chain smoke and eat very unhealthy. Does not set a good standard when being a "Public Figure".
  • Now here is the lesson to be learned kiddo's. DO not let anyone step in your way and tell you what your worth is. There is no set price on someones worth. Since when do we as humans walk around with a $ tag over our heads. Like we are a video game and this is not real life.
  • We have all a worth in life and everyone is meant to do something great. Everyone has the right to believe in their work. Everyone has the right to feel that their value is higher than some dollar amount. That your word and work is what is the value and if you cannot back it up, then that is on the person nothing more. But never beat down a person because you feel that you better than them or because it is a Damn skin tone thing. We as humans are not meant to be here to judge by others, we were meant to do other things in our lives. To be the best we can be in this one life that we have.
  • So do not listen to others when someone says what your "value " is. Do your thing and do it proudly but never bow down to someone that has no brains or a value on what business is.
  • As for Chef D he will not make it very long in this area because other will see him for what he is. Someone that has to make it a color issue and baby you are in the wrong city for this shit. Austin, TEXAS is a loving city, but if you're not a part of the love you will be dismissed. 
  • IF you want to write a book why don't you do some more living and find that this is not a skin issue baby it is a you issue. When others do not want to eat your foods or want to work with you because you take back what you say. You're a dreamer that does not follow through. The difference to you and me is that my words are truth and I can back up what I say? All you have is dreams of others, and lies about what you created.
  • If you are wanting to know my response to what I said to Chef D then here you go.

  • "Look Derrick I am not worried about me. I know what I am worth and I do not need to change my price. That is what I am being paid now. Contracts have been signed. I know there will be others that will want my work and pay me for what I do best. I am a published Author now. I have peps coming to me besides you. I just set them aside when you called Not a problem here. I am sure you can do what you need. Really but now I need to do the work that needs to be done. This conversation is just going round and run down by continuing to talk about it. I really do wish you a good weekend."
  • Keeping it real!
  • Sabrina Ford

  • P.S The title is mine and cannot be used unless you want this blog attached to it!

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