Friday, July 3, 2015

It is Time to Cleanse and Detox the Shade

Is there a bell ringing a far? No, that is the church bells that are ringing let it be, oh let it be! I am free and baby it feels so good to be open and free. The big bell that one too, and that is what she said! (Drum Sound and I will be back at 9 pm)

It is time to clean out the house, get rid of the past and put in the new. Think about what can be and not what was and for once do something different than the last time and learn from what you just went through, so you do not do this again. Now that is what you call a Detox and a blessing all in one, and if you are lucky you found out early and not later. First steps are mentally become healthier work on you first before anything. Nothing else matters because you do not want to be the girl or the guy of one hit wonder date or a serial dater. That is even better you become one of those and just never satisfied, so first major step DO NOT Date. No focus on you and remove you of the negativity of the past. Alternatively, you will not be able to move on, and then you will just be repeating the process all again. So take a break and that is perfectly okay and think on what you should do. Now depending on the years of the relationship I would do no less than 30 days boys and ladies should not do more than 90 days of detox. Even if you were married for over a few years because you may like being free, and Detox is nice. Also beautiful can turn into seven years later and well we all have seen that mom and dad that well never moved on and just stayed in that spot. So no more than 90 days no matter what!

Plus think about it once you start to get the idea of being you in your skin again it feels great. You are becoming happy and want share it with everyone. Why not show at this time the potential mate this side instead of darkness that was around you back then. Sad to say this but no one wants to be with someone that is not happy and living in the past. So the best time is when you have fully let go, got the idea of being single and enjoying being just you. That is is when it is safe for you to date, and you have started and passed a major part of the shady detox phase. I can not think of a time when I did not see someone not fall in love with someone because they were just a happy person.  I have seen from all shades of colors fall in love with one another because they made the other person happy, smile, made their day for a moment. Sometimes you may not think about it but that moment may mean everything to them. It may even be an everlasting impression on their soul, and you may never know it. That is okay because the point was not for you to know it was from them to feel the happiness that you felt right. Everyone love to hang with someone happy, and when you are happy you are confident, sexy, you feel like you can do anything to improve.

So what do you do to Detox the past,  well first stop and don’t listen to everyone. There will be of course tons of people that want and would like to be a part of the new you. That is a no Houston, Do not pass and you will not get boardwalk or the 200. Remember this is about you and your detox and what you want. What you are missing and what you need so find out what you like to do. What you forgot that you liked to do. Think about some of the things that make you happy and you alone. I mean the list can be anything you just have to play around with it. Fall in love with reading again, catch up on some movies that you have not ever seen.  Go donate your time to a shelter, make a garden, go back to school. Something, anything is better than nothing and sitting in just negativity that once was.  

When I left my ex and mean left him that is what I had to do, I worked on me and thought about what I was missing and looking for again. When you are knocked down, you begin to know real quick what you do not want. So it becomes easy to think about what and how you can do it and what you will do and how it will be once it is done. I mean it is a process and again no it does not happen overnight but you do grow and become stronger like the roots of a tree. Those sources become the very structure that make you become the person who will be in the present. So why break that structure with non-sense and waste your foundation with cracks. When you know damn well that is what will happen because everyone know what occurs in history, it repeats its self. Then you will want to kick your ass once again. Yes, I know this feeling as well, and the pattern too and everyone shake their head and say no we do not wish to go back there again. Right, Right, and now we know and we move one. When you have stopped the pattern, and you said No.

There you Go the other part of detox when you have said No. Now are you not proud of yourself and did what you said you wanted to be to let go and be free. See the thing is that whomever the detoxing you are doing this from you just completed the process of letting go. Like I said it is a process, and it may take the time or it may happen overnight. Just depends on when you ALLOW your brain to let go. That is all on you, and once that is done and realize that in your big beautiful brain of yours. When you let go mentally of the problem, then you did it and were proud that you made it through the dark and back into the light. Now that your back is it not so much better being where you can fully see the picture and not be clouded by the negativity. So remember Detox is healthy, and it is okay to take time for you. That you are allowed to feel these feeling and most of the time that tummy tingly feeling you felt you were right on cue. Always trust what you feel and remember that there is more to life than being clouded be the past. Enjoy the life that you have and experience it just in another view instead. That way you will not only feel better but everyone one else around will see, and you never know who will be looking. He or she might be the new love of your life and why not show them your good side instead.

Sabrina Ford  

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