Friday, July 31, 2015

Murder is Murder and Sandra Bland was KILLED

As time goes by the “Waller County Sheriff's Dept.” states that they have full faith that Sandra Bland committed “Suicide “, and I say whatever makes you sleep at night, Sir. There is no Doubt in the United States of America and “real court of law” can state that this was not a racial profile to say the least.  I do not know about you but have you been to jail lately? Sandra Bland was in an area where she could not just call her family when in need. It takes 18 hours by truck to go from Chicago to Texas. To buy a plane ticket that is not cheap at least not a next day flight. To bail this person out with cash and all this time you are outside in the real world. While she sits in jail alone, taken away from everything she knows. Treated like an animal that is placed to rot in a room. Going to the bathroom where people can watch you, having the chance of sewer coming back on you when someone uses the toilet.  That is the first 8 hours of being there and you try doing this for 72 hours when she did not have to be there in the first place!

If there are “people” meaning other inmates that have to be in that same jail system that another inmate just died in and same town to live in. Would you not be afraid as well if they too could be the next social profile themselves. Do you not think that this inmate has the right to say anything they want? Surely you do not believe that this inmate was not coached to say the right things? Do you not believe that the Prosecution is not preparing a case for the sheriff's office to defend? Do you not think that this educated woman Sandra Bland was not scared, mad and crying? That you mean to say that Miss. Bland should have been happy to be there, I believe not. This inmate that is talking about Miss. Bland so freely with the news, saying that Bland did this and acted like that.  Are you not just a little bit curious to wanting to know why she is being so freely to the news.

When was it okay to be allowed to have an inmate or someone on bail to speak with the news about anything going on a open case? Since when would an inmate’s testimony stand up in the court of law and be credible information. That this inmate that was speaking with the news, I am sure has an open case still on her and oh how easy is it to let go of a situation and make everything go away like unpaid tickets. I am very sure that the prosecution was very nice to the fellow inmate and a wonderful speaker to get you to kindly say what was needed. That as long as you were out in time for the TV crew to make your statement about the time that you stayed at this Jailhouse. Have you meet anyone that says that the guards were all nice? When in jail it is different from being in a Prison. Ask anyone that has been in Jail and Prison and they will quickly inform you the difference in the way these guards treat the inmates. All because of the difference in  locations of a cell house to keep a prisoner. You noticed I said that the difference was the location and not the crime? 

I have looked everywhere, and there is one big question no one has asked. Let me explain please when you are cuffed and booked the authority they take everything from you. Make you not wear a bra, Ha shoe laces what is that? Take away all your belonging with no questions asked, make you go without your medicine until they are rightfully ready for you to have them. Hell, I met someone that went to “Williamson County Jail” and let her bleed all over the floor because they would not give her a tampon/pad she was there for two days. Yes, this jail is in Texas as well.  So here is my question for some reason no one has asked why there were plastic bags in her cell in the first place. When you are in jail you have the bare essentials and that it is a protocol for every jail cell. So when is it normal to have a trash can with plastic bags?

When you are in jail, you normally do have roommates because you know we hear it all the time especially when it comes time to vote. That we hear that there is never any rooms in jail that sometimes that they will keep more than they should in a cell because there is this saying there is no more room in the inn.  That there are inmates sleeping on jail cell floors with mats because there are no beds. So why did they place her in a cell alone? What was the thinking on the Sheriff's Department on why  separating her from everyone else? How do we not know that the cell room was not previously set with bags in the first place? If so why is this a standard procedure when everyone knows you can take someone out with just a bag and no Oxygen. I mean was this the room that Miss. Bland started out with or was this her second cell because there was no reason for her to be alone in a cell.  Also, it explicitly states that Sandra Bland knew how often the guards came around checking on the room. She even knew that every thirty minutes that she would see a guard. Why did it take so long for someone to know that she was dying? That the Authorities found Miss Bland at 9 am in the morning expired, and prior at 6 am she did not want breakfast, and that that the guards checked an hour and a half later. Now we know that Sandra stated to her family that she always saw a guard every 30 min. So why nothing for an hour and a half and what happened during that time and a half? What did the officers of the law do to her to make her say I am fine an hour a half later and then an hour she was dead? What did they do to make her state of mind break? Did they leave the bag there for her because they knew they broke her mental states of mind? How can I say this, well I can say that to hurt someone they do not have to do things to leave marks? Yes, well neither does a rape leave marks nor does emotional abuse over and over for say 72 hours.  Sure in that amount of time frame it is feasible that someone could break someone’s mind that has never experienced an abusive terroristic treatment.

So can you imagine if this officer of the law acted like this on his state trooper patrol camera, what would an office of the law do when there are no cameras watching? They are already bad mouthing the dead like it was nothing. Of course now her past is being talked about, and mental status and, of course, the drug talk has begun as well.  Cannabis did not make Sandra Bland kill herself nor did it have her mind out on drug coma for 72 hours in her cell on pot. That intern made her kill herself because of being paranoid or a high on marijuana. That we are being advised that Sandra Bland was so sad with self-esteem issues that she had selfies, all a new job at the University Of A&M. No matter what you say that is an excellent school, and I am sure a great place to work. That they would not waste their time on some druggie, which lacked self-esteem that had any mental issues.  If what the sheriff’s dept. states that they knew that she had depression issues, and suicide issues then why leave her alone? Also why the mistakes on the booking paperwork and  mark it on one location that she was in the past with depression and was suicidal in the past but then they went on another page and states that Miss Bland does not have any mental /emotional issues. Look if it was any other person beside the law, and if we knew that someone was suicidal, and you did not report it, we would go to jail. A civilian would go to jail in a heartbeat if they knew that person killed themselves and that they would go to jail for not reporting the mental status. The laws apply when you are in jail when you are an inmate so why would the laws change if it were a government official.

There are no signs of Sandra not being in a healthy state of mind per Bland mother states. That she has no Idea on why her daughter would take herself out and that this was not the state of mind of her child when she saw her last. As of today, Sandra Bland mother had to lay her daughter to rest, and no mother should ever have to be the one to place their child in the ground.  A parent never wants to be the one, and that is not the way of order. Sandra Bland mother should have never had to say those words at her daughter’s eulogy, and she had to today. That Mrs. Bland should not have to go through another autopsy because she feels that the system killed her daughter and that the autopsy that came from Texas Authorities was rigged. This mother should not be crying because of a system that should be here to protect her and her family when it in the end took away her daughter away for the rest of her life. No mother should have these tears, and no amount of money will fix what she is feeling today. I can say this as a Person that was born and raised in Texas that this is a sad day that our systems failed this woman and her family. When normally as Texans we are pretty proud of who we are and how we stand united as a state. I can also say as a person that has lived in Chicago for the last seven years of my life that I am sorrowful to say we had to lay to rest one of our own.  That someone needs to be held responsible to the court of law for what happened to this family and money is not the only way. It can start with a big time checking on this department and not someone from the area. If guards are letting prisoners flee a prison then why would it be a shock to us to know that it is possible to have some shade going around in this jailhouse?  When authorities did do a check on Clinton Correctional that the FBI found a heroine ring and besides the two guards that helped the inmates flee.  That there were 12 employees that were relieved of their duty due to being involved in criminal acts. So why would adding murder to the list of things would be a shocker.  That our Law Authorities are doing things to inmates and let's add what authorities are making the inmates do out of desperation because they are scared of a guards status and the outcome when guards go bad. So yes, money is not even the point at this time but you can sure damn well do your job that we pay you to do and start checking our jail system. It looks like there are some overzealous law officials that think that they are above the law.  If this keeps up, there is going to be more than just enthusiastic civilians. It is time for some changes, and it needs to happen now and not next week. Let’s just hope someone will hear this family pleas and cries and do what is right for once in this case.

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