Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Sexology VS My Sex?

As I start my writing career off with a bang, I can not feel any happier about what my career will be in the future. To be interning for a gigantic company that even has worked with Vogue several times. That I am working with a corporation in New York and Vogue all in the same sentence is just wild to me. Especially coming from a small town and where everyone knows our name but not in anywhere else in the world.Now that I have these internships I will have much exposed for my writing, and that is so fresh and grateful for what is happening and coming to be. The only thing that is lacking is my love department, Well it has been closed for some time.

I believe that I am ready to date again after my Ex and have been keeping an eagle eye out, Checking to see if there is a ring on that finger. Going to places for my research for one but in the hopes of maybe? I am afraid to say this though that boys are just as fucked up as women. I know you crazy bitch.... but it is true. Men are bat shit crazy as well.  Do you know that some of these men think because I am becoming a Dr . of Sexology that it does not mean I will teach you by opening my legs your tool ass wannabe.

Last night a Dr. of Psychology said I was boring because " Being with one guy and wanting to have sex in different locations of the world". That I was not experienced and how can I be into "SEXOLOGY" when I am so Normal and Vanilla? That, no one wants to read about being Vanilla.

Now was I going to tell him where I got the idea of making love in the different location. No, I will not tell him when married we did a "couples thing" and the wife every time her and her husband made love she would steal a rock from the location. Well, all I could think about was no I do not want to carry rocks all over the world and bring them back home. Now did it give me the idea of yes make love everywhere in the world and be with one person. Sorry if that make me normal and vanilla than fine. However, was I going to say my ex and I was having sex in bed with another couple. NOPE.... Nor was I going to say that I did everything I could to keep my Gay ex-husband from having a wandering eye. Nope . Ha, me Vanilla,  look I am not a hooker, but I am in my bedroom when I am with that one person. Now will I tell you my readers sure no problem but people like that do not even deserve any further time than what was spent.

I felt that it vulgar of him to say, and how dare he be a Dr. that thinks that way. I have noticed that the men that come across my path believe that is what a sex therapist is. It is so much more than the action of sex that others need help with like the Dr. he apparently does have sex issues and does and should see someone about it. I feel that sex is a lot if the inner lining of why people get so mangled up in the brain. That the lack of love is not the way we as humans are meant to be. If there is no sex, no love, no person then you have a making of a crazy person waiting to come out. That is why I am becoming one after my ex and me not knowing what was behind closed doors and then the dealing with the closet being fully open. So yes my vanilla experienced ass did not feel the need to be frank with a tool, but I will with you.

The another reason I  know that I can be a sexologist is because I am very free with who I am and that I can freely speak about the subject to make an impact on someone's life. That there is a probability of hope for them and the future of love for them as well. Also, I want to be a part of this science and how I can make a difference from my studies and passing to others what I learn. That is why I made these changes in my life so I could help and spread a better word about sex and the way love can be. 

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