Monday, August 24, 2015

Sex In What City Really Turned Into Sex In The City!

Now I know what the title says but before you even start to think I was not acting like Samatha. I was more like Carrie of course. Well, minus the sex for me but nor less my writing with work in turn became a date. That turned into another date! I felt like such a "Player" in that Ice Cube voice " Yeah, Yeah"!

I met this man and well I liked him for the words that he said. Now have I ever met him before until the other day no but I felt that I could ask him out, however. So what is a girl to do when she needs a date but ask a hot, successful lobbyist? This is not the normal for me, and it has been a while. So it is best to be me as always, so I felt it was time to jump feet first as I do this well!

I also needed a date for the WERK Fashion show, and I did not want to be the one that was straight alone or aka Fruit Fly. There are reasons for this too. Have you heard me laugh? So yes there are going to be people and there will be looks. Two I did not want to be the only one alone and let me tell you what girl, I would have been that is for sure!

Talk about people just being in love and happy. There was nothing ill will about anyone, and it was pure fun! That all trash talk was taken with a smile and a boot in the ass at the same time but everyone laughed. Jokes from up and down in regards to sex, politics, celebrities to fashion and let's not forget the "Bitch Please" talk. That everyone laughed and smiled it away and enjoyed the style that was pure artistic work. That art can be created by just a stitch and some cloth that came out of a worm's ass.  Oh and yes, there was ass talk too!

Now because we still had time about a week before the WERK show, we went ahead and met prior to WERK.  I can say not once did I look at my clock, and we had the best time. Thank GOD, because I all could do is here my Jewish New York pain in the butt of a mother being right once more and say "Oh, (Real Name here ), I told you so. I just knew it, and then you had to bring him to your first work assignment."

That you pitched before you even pitched it to your editor again, she said Yes. Yes I love my internship and love my new JOB and thanks again Ms. Nice Editor who puts up with my artistic ass! Wink wink and another Thank god I am smart besides pretty. I would be in so much trouble all the time if I did not have a brain!

SO, back to the mother of New York. Yes, mom was not right for once and that we did like each other more as time was spent. So WERK was going to be our second date, and I was excited for once to have a date since MR. Flames. Oh, Mr. Flames ...

It was funny in a way for me to see my date go to this Fashion show with me. I say this because he does work on the politics side of important topics. That does work on both sides of the blue and red. Now, it would have been hilarious if for say if his Republican friends saw him there. With a cute hot thing at Austin Gay Pride Week at a Fashion Show called WERK and wearing purple with a purple tie. Bitches be talking that is for sure!

He not only laughed his ass off but did agree with the beauty of all Bianca Del Rio, who was the MC. This Bitch and I think I can say this now after last night, I feel like my fruit fly cherry has now been broken! That Miss. Del Rio said that "As if a Republican would be caught dead at last night's show!"  It was funny to think that Texas is a prominently Republican party. So I wonder if I just met all the Democratic party that all lives in Texas all 2000 of them?

We did have a great time and did talk about seeing each other again. Yes, and I even got a text the next day so who knows. I just know that I am open to what is to come. Now do I find out if he is the one,  sure I do, and I like the fact of getting to know each other.  I do notice that now because I am new to this dating world, I find that I like being back in the dating game.

So I am not sure if I have found the one because if I did I would be not so excited to continue to be in the dating?  I guess that after being married to someone that did lie about their past about being gay then I suppose I am just making sure and keeping my options open until I do find the one. Maybe I do need to become a fruit fly so then I can get my radar tweaked and to stay on the path. I need someone go no Bitch, not that one, He swings to the left, Hey!


Sabrina Ford

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