Saturday, March 28, 2015

Time to come out and see what happens...

Well, let’s see I have been out of this thing called dating for some time now.  Being single again does have some good points but I do miss having that connection with someone. So I went ahead and made a profile online. After so many brainwashing commercial’s you just end up doing so, to make it stop, in your brain, as you tell yourself, and you would hope. Yes, I have gone on a few date and most have been well what started the writing. I am sorry boy’s you say girls are crazy. I think men are just as stupid as women are. I went out with a guy for three weeks who thought his ex-best friend (male best friend) was stalking him. He just thought that it was not the right time to date anyone at this stage in his life. Of course, there was the one that I could not understand. Him yelling and biting his finger when he spoke. I know I have been living up north for some time now. I do know these Texas boys are nothing like this, and these are just fill in’s.

So I have been speaking with a gentleman and let’s say I will call him Murr. The name comes from Impractical Jokers on True TV. Well, he does risible him just a touch, Okay maybe just more than a touch.  We do speak quite a bit, and I mean texting almost every day and I say every day. We have been enjoying each other for sure and each other’s words. He is extremely smart; his sexuality does do me dirty with his words in a brainy way. That has never been the case with me not like this, as you can see I do like to write and all about words that include sex! The cherry on top, he is sexually confident big time and is nothing like I would normally date since my last relationship. This was not was just a fling it was, I mean my husband for almost seven years.  I guess the major difference was I was missing a Penis. Never had one …hate to admit it but my testosterone has all pretend this entire time. He was into men and forgot to tell me five years into the marriage. Nothing like finding out at 6 am in the morning that your husband likes Cock. So I am assuming that part of what is catching my eye- he likes me a woman! On the right road so far!  Also, because he so different on the physical side that I normally like that makes even more a wow factor. He is very much a person that I have been wanting and looking for that is for sure for a possible mate.  He has this swagger persona that is just very cool; just too many parts that I like about him just cannot pick.  

It does take a LOT to have me open up, LIKE the wall of China. However, before everyone else read the blog he did.  The only other person that would do that was my ex-husband he would read anything that I would write. Now, Murr he did read the first blog post first. So does he know what my new career change is? Yes, he does, and he know I am still on Match? Yes, he knows I do this for writing and to get the minds of men. To hear their thoughts and go to the Stir mixers to observe and watch couples meet. Plus we never spoke about if we are going to seeing others or you know “The Talk”.

I just knew that he was not on it anymore for some time, and we were talking through cell and texting. Well, tonight I saw him online and about died and did not like it at all. I felt all kinds of butthurt and had no reason to. We never spoke about it, we never had the talk, and we only went on two dates. So when do you ask those questions? When is it a good time to do that and ask what you want in a relationship without looking like their desperate, dumb girl? I know it was not his fault, he knows I am on Match… you crazy fool of a woman. I just never thought or dawned on me that there could be feelings for him and that I did not like the thought of SHARING him. Who would have thought? He did call right away to discuss because I did ask him how he liked seeing me online, he said he knew the reasons why. That he did understand, thought it was good writing skills as any smart, educated man would say.  Who understand what I am doing, but then he states “How does it make you feel when you see me?”  Well, what I said was that I find it to be a  misunderstanding and no worries. That we never spoke about this, and I took the high road. As I sit with a crinkled face and look like I have ass face now. Just not a pretty look! Then I am more taken back that I am acting this way. So now we have to have the talk about dating others now and well I guess it is time. I just never thought that I would want to have the talk about dating other all because of a profile picture.

I am finding as I become older dating has changed; I am so far out of date. Like almost on the expired range but I do know that one thing is for sure.  That the Internal Radar has not changed, batteries are still good. That female radar one is working. So now I have to find and read a book if there is one on when to ask or do you ask if you want to be inclusive. When are a good times to do the talk, or do I continue to go my merry way and still see what is out there and date. Maybe another Gentlemen might see his moment to ask. I guess those are the chance we take in love. Just never know, allow nature to take its course. Give him the opportunity to let him figure it out?  Well at this point I am sure you are really not caring about that part of the article but about me coming out of the closet about my marriage. Yes, it is a big deal that I do not have had a Penis and yes it did end my marriage because of it.  At least, when I came out it, was not at 6 am in the morning on a Monday. Was when I gave everyone time to process it before Monday work day begins?
Smooches and Much Love,

Sabrina Ford



Can Knowing The Sighs Make You A Sex Zodiac God?

So after living in the Chicago area for so long it was the norm to see City Lights. Beautiful architecture that you could only appreciate with seeing with your own two eyes.  I never thought though that me Miss Country, would miss seeing the stars, would ever mean so much to me. I grew up seeing stars every night and having this deep connection that no matter what and where I was they always led me back to base or what we called home.  Why would stars mean so much to me? For me, I do believe in my zodiac sign very much that I feel that it has something to do with it. I am a true Virgo, and anyone can read up on a Virgo and then look up my picture there you go there is my profile. Single and ready to mingle boys No, but real Virgo without a doubt.

Okay, so if you need some catch up on your Greek myth history. Astraeus was the Titan, God of the Stars, Plants. The father of wind, even had a daughter Astraia, the goddess of the constellation Virgo.  Astrology says that for us to embrace the highest vision that is in site for ourselves we just have to pay attention.  Just might be missing something big like being a sexual god! What if you could please your Partner all because you know their zodiac signs and for once you paid attention to what the gods put in front of your face as you stuffed it at the Chinese’s restaurant. Plus you know in 30 min it will be all gone to do whatever sexual act to become this Sexual God. So pay attention it may change things and this may save you some time.

So does your sexuality have anything to do with your zodiac sign? Alternatively, do you see love in the stars and Venus is guiding you the way just because you are as cute like me? I feel if you make time to pay attention to your astrological sexual profiles you may have a better understanding of your partner’s behavior in the bedroom! Who knows the next morning there will be a book named after you? Alternatively, Better Yet, maybe you will have a star named after you because you rocked your women world all because you took the time to know what a Virgo likes.  So what happens when Venus and Mars line up I have no Idea but let's try it! I mean it really does seem fun. It is a modern, sexy approach to finding sexual secrets that you would never have found out if you would never have a focus on the signs from above. By doing so, this breaks up the difference between the two and what to focus on sexually. It could be from turn-ons, turn off, fantasies, secret desires. Exploring things that you have Never dreamed of until you meet your Gemini, oops I mean your sign that may knock you to your knees.

I mean think about it this way instead, think of it as a kind of New aged sexual therapy for you and your mate. You are taking the time to her. She thinks you are trying, and you are both doing something both that brought you two together and now why not explore it and focus on the signs together. See if it is correct, do a scientific experiment. DO it the name of Science man! Come on don’t be selfish take one for the team and just go with what the gods have lined up for you!


Smooches and much love!



Sabrina Ford

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Orgasm Face Have you seen it lately?

Orgasm Face Have you saw it recently?  Chances are No because who keeps a mirror around unless you are a porn star. If so then go you, and I will continue with my writing. Oh, wait slow clap clap… clap.

When I think about this title, I believe it is Fried Green Tomatoes the movie where the lady goes to that group meeting to save her marriage Mr. Couch is her name.  Now, the entire group is there, and everyone is talking about sexuality and how it is supposed to mean. Somehow by looking in a mirror and straddling it seeing their Pikachu all together in a
group setting is somehow going to put the flame back in the good old marriage. Now I see it differently, I find that relationships can be a lot less technical and lot less complicated.  Instead of a group of women, try you know say sleeping with your husband and for fun bring a mirror. Who knows but it is not the group thing with the ladies, or maybe it is and that is what the missing puzzle piece has been the entire time?  Maybe it is something so simple as making love and watching each other climax. Studies show that Men would rather not look at our lady parts while making love.  They would rather watch our face instead.  Girls keep those big beautiful eyes open because that is what they prefer. To men, it feels that by you looking at them that you are making the connection with them sexually for one. Also they feel that you are not faking it, the facial interaction makes them feel like your totally there and there is no way you could fake it in their eyes. Yes, you are a hot mess afterward and during, you have sex hair, face is red. You look like you just ran a 5k, and you do hope that you look like this. Men even will justify your look for you before you even open your mouth. Oh, no worries babe.

Amazing part though when you are a virgin, you are not given this information when you about to give it up. It will look nothing like the movies. You think your hair will always be in place, bra will come off just in time and at the right moment. Nothing like being a slingshot and your man with his foot on your back and trying to break a $40.00 fucking bra that you had to have so you could be cute. That you had to have to match your panties that were $30.00. That you had to have a match that are now on your ass, and now you taste the cotton now all of a sudden. All because you saw that damn movie and because you knew you could do that same poll moves she did and look at your ass now.  No sexy time, your man with a hernia now and you explaining to the Doctor what happened, and no, it is not Domestic Violence Thank you very much. We are a just sexually ill Doctor and patch him up so we can go home!  

Is Sex suppose to be pretty, well we would like it to be? It may not always be that way, and that is okay. It is though and should be lustful with desire and mixed with I will take you in a New York minute just by looking at you. It is not meant to be a movie, nor perfect. It can be an intimate orgasmic eye-opening life changing moment though, you never know if don’t keep your eyes open.
 Smooches and much love,  Sabrina Ford

Show me Shade and I will make Shade juice?

I think the guidelines of my blog will now come out for everyone to read so the truth will be informed to everyone.  There will be no questions in regards to the blogs or articles that I write.  I write only from the heart and please take nothing personal. This is not meant to be mean or most likely I am not even speaking about you this time. Most of the time, my subjects are people that I observe.  Sometimes they are polls that I put out to get some responses back. Sometimes and most of the time I am talking about me and what I have been through personally.  This is just freedom of words,  a passion that was allowed to be free. When I said goodbye to Ex- Husband #2 Well, a few others in my life that probably could have left long time ago they all came out. I am far from perfect, hell you can ask anyone that knows me.  Ex's, Family, in –laws you name it asks away.  I am sure they have such colorful things to say about me. I am fine with this good or bad I am ready for it and understand there will be Shade.

Now let's talk about shade I will speak of Sex, Relationships, and Lifestyles and what comes with it. That means catching your Pecker in the cookie jar; it means links being broken and being written. Like an Uncle’s over bid to take a vehicle from his Niece or just flat out lied to get it. Something is that simple as that. Has anyone close to you known you were going to get something then went and got it because he or she knew you were?   I will even talk about how Sex and drugs that can take over someone's life and make them not even think straight.  I have seen Meth heads all over St. Louis sleeping all over downtown and dealings with One Eye Willie. I have been the one Texan on TV going” Yeah no I did not hear the AK-47 and the shoot out with the MO Police Dept.”  Trust me Mo Police dept is always on TV. There is always a strike, fire, and a shootout is always going on. Oh my, God, whatever you do don’t you dare ever flip anyone one over there because of ill driving skills.  If not just get the knack of  having a gun being pulled on your ass all the time. See here in Texas back in the day it was normal to see guns hanging in the back of a truck. St. Louis, even your dog, packs a gun for protection!

So let's make it clear I will not lie and will speak with truth in everything I write.  I have no reason to lie because why? There is a saying The truth will set you free, maybe so. Alternatively, perhaps  I may step on some toes so what. I may be brutally honest so the next person can learn from what I have had to learn the hard way.  I am thinking of this as a public service, act of kindness. Maybe by me writing in regards to my marriage just might be what you need at that point in time. It would not give them justice to be cut and dry. Then we are not using the internet correctly; we are not using our words as power.  Instead, we sit and hope that someone else will be brave enough to say it. Well, damn anyone that knows me will agree, “ Oh it will be done correctly!” Do the Duggie!

Smooches and much love,
Sabrina Ford

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Who’s a Slut? I am a Slut…No, your are a Slut!

When I started writing about sex and relationships, I never thought about how I was going to explain to my family& friends about my taboo writing. To add the cherry on top, I may write about subjects that my town elders may not approve of by any means. Plus I am sure that some of my words will need blessings afterwards amen. I do though have the coolest family members that will support what comes out of my mouth and just take it as it comes. Do they have a choice, NO but they take it like Champs! So now the fun questions of the night “What did you write about tonight?”  “I said well in today’s times are women using their sexual empowerment more now because they can?” Alternatively, is it just a way to be the new Feminism of our age? So this means that you had the right to be a total slutty slut.  Nope, how about this one Are Sluts Empowered? 

Truth women who carry the letter S on their forehead and called a slut. Promiscuous is another word if you think about it, when you break it down funny actually. Promiscuous is anyone having more sex than you!  Ouch … even I felt that one.  So what do we call a guy then “ a player” and when I hear that word it does not sound dirty. Nothing like Slut, Ho, Hooker, Cunt, oh oops sorry had a moment. See all of those dirty words and nothing like a player. Of course the invisible line of the “Good Slut”, yes we have those words because we created them. We did this when we said we Liked a sexy picture on your page. Now the new generation of today are being told To believe that yes  women and men are equal. The fun part though is that 6am walk of shame to see who is running in quietly in the night. Then who is going in with a grin from ear to ear and does not give a damn who sees? Most of the time, it is the Girl doing the mad dash. Also, just think of this as women it is all about numbers: Age, Weight and the Magic Number we’ve slept with that is going to the grave. For men though you can hear their name on a loud speak in Lowes telling everyone loud and clear.

So here is the difference, “Sluttiness” is a fool's paradise, a just a mirage. Sexual empowerment is more about confidence in yourself than anything. Has a deep passion for what they want. I had someone ask me if I used my Sexual Empowerment to get what I want. I advised it just depends on what the issue at hand was. I mean look at this my writings, I write about relationships, my relationships, other relationships. I talk openly about sex and does this make me out to be a nasty girl. Not in my eyes, no at this moment I am fully dressed and having a glass of tea, sitting by the fire. Such a hooker I know, but listen women that Ooze Sex Appeal just fully embrace who they are as a person. Nothing more, and these people can be your Doctors, scientists who are trying to find a cure for Aids. They are not doing these things so they can be a slut, no, it is because they are real people nothing more. Stop the Slut-bashing and maybe just love one another instead!

Smooches and much love,

Sabrina Ford

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Cheating...Right or Wrong is the Question?

Can you be too devastated to move on from a Relationship? Let’s say you were cheated on or even better you did the cheating?  Can you move on? Can you show that you have changed, or the relationship has changed. So, I asked around to get different views of what men thought first and what their response to see if they have ever cheated? Some right away were like "Yeah" but “Hell Yeah” in that deep male voice that I can only do when I am not trying to.  Then, of course, there was “Oh no I have never done this” and who knows this could be the truth or could it be false information. I mean Brian Williams is the only one that can be that honest…. (Need to check notes on this, is he is to be away for six months? To Soon????)

Then out of left field I did read a man created and documented in a blog about his wife and her outings that were without him. So in return he then hired a PI and then in a Chinese voice. It is from a movie don’t freak out and if you don’t know look it up. Just read it online that alone will kill a few brain cells! Hired an Attorney for the divorce that he is now ready to have! You noticed how the Attorney is now appointed before he knows for sure what the wife is doing.  Let’s continue with the blog story,  To where he did find her in a motel. Not even in a Hotel for some reason I see bugs in a motel with this woman’s future. In positions that he never even dared to dream that she knew the he knew or never done in 22 years of marriage. How far is too far? Can we get so lost in the madness of who is doing who or not doing who?

Then I stopped and went well let's think of this in a different way… Can cheating be healthy for a relationship? Yes, I know such a Vixen to suggest such a thing.  Now Husbands don’t go running off to Ashley Madison off the bat you may not like what you find once you open Pandora's Box.  So going a little deeper on the issue at hand. Why are humans cheating on one another in the first place?  I mean studies have shown time after time that Men and Women … Yes, ladies please do not act like you don’t do it too. We know at some point in time temptation may have gotten the best of you. Can you become so tempted to drink out of the sexual fountain of no return?

That you feel like everyone does talk about it and makes it out to be Okay. Makes it out to be, well it is understandable on why it feels so good and why you are doing this in the first place. The reasons why you are staying and that it will only hurt so many people if you leave. Yes, I know … All of those words and thoughts and theories of what is and what would it cause if you leave.  So Instead You do what you want or what is best for the time being or what is needed to feel human. Yes, that is what you do, and that is what you need, to let go and enjoy those emotions that come with it and the adrenaline that you have just become addicted too. That you find you can finally feel free by letting go and express what you have been missing in your Relationship.

So being said that you would think that We Humans are cheating because it’s just a sexual drive issue. That men are just going to nail some tail just because that they cannot help it. Blame it on animal instinct or just maybe it is a breed of our DNA systems. That they are doing the dirty Mambo in the dirty sheets that are not with their wives but with that other woman that will do those things.  Do you understand what I just put down on paper? That Studies show that about 8% of men that do cheat have said that they choose to cheat because of sex.  Those who were Oh so brave to talk their affair. Said about 48% of men said that the reasons that they did have an affair with their partner was because the connection between the two of them seemed lost. So it had nothing to do with what was between the legs.

There were emotions, and that meant that there was also a communication between the two. Something that seems to be missing from your relationship at this point If someone is having an affair. Now this Bitch….but also puts out…. But she pretends to care and has no worries about you or what comes with you.  Ladies, we are not left out of this either. It is sad but true, but studies have shown that 20 to 25% of married women will also have an extramarital affair during their lifetime. Of course for the sad same reasons women cheated on their mate because the emotional connection was missing and now this other dude he has just now done the Boomer stomp on your wife NOW. She does though have this somewhat emotional and physical connection now though Congratulation’s! What to do is the question, Break a law and find that nasty old ugly person that is not your wife, and not make sense of anything in the next say 24-48 hours. Or how did you get yourself in this Soap Opera mistake called your life. What can you do to go back to make things right or do you?

To be together or not is the question now!  Can you still sleep in the same room and know that his Rocket and or her meow was somewhere else.  Even better can you go a day without using the C you next Tuesday word the entire day. Or let’s just stop making it into a drinking game and every time “the word” is used and not take shots of tequila. Can we try with that first folks, please? Never going to get better that way.

The number one thing to remember about them all. If you can you go without thinking for ONE day. I said One Day “GOD why don’t you just go away… far away “Like to Mars is a start. In one of that new mission to Mars Programs. The one where you go there, and they keep your ass there FOREVER! That’s what I am saying …Yeah baby! Or do you still look at this person and go why in the Hell did you not fuck me like that? Why are we so lost and what to do to fix us to find us again?  About 65% partners stay together after they discover that an affair has happen. Therapist says that for complete trust to rebuild again it will take two years for the healing to be complete. The two of you will  have to make it through it so, that will also include a miracle, act of God, maybe it will even include the re-training process to the brain to forgive and forget.  However, you want to look at it no matter what. She/He will be asking many questions and a lot of heart searching. You can ask everyone that you know but only you, your heart, and that brain of yours that will make that call on what you want. I just hope it is what you want, and it is best and healthy for you and you alone and those who tag along with you. I say this to you and you alone because it is you alone that will make this call. Not anyone else’s heart but yours, so clear your head and listen to what is best and pray that you got the 50/50 toss-up.


Smooches and Much Love Always,

Sabrina Ford