Saturday, March 28, 2015

Can Knowing The Sighs Make You A Sex Zodiac God?

So after living in the Chicago area for so long it was the norm to see City Lights. Beautiful architecture that you could only appreciate with seeing with your own two eyes.  I never thought though that me Miss Country, would miss seeing the stars, would ever mean so much to me. I grew up seeing stars every night and having this deep connection that no matter what and where I was they always led me back to base or what we called home.  Why would stars mean so much to me? For me, I do believe in my zodiac sign very much that I feel that it has something to do with it. I am a true Virgo, and anyone can read up on a Virgo and then look up my picture there you go there is my profile. Single and ready to mingle boys No, but real Virgo without a doubt.

Okay, so if you need some catch up on your Greek myth history. Astraeus was the Titan, God of the Stars, Plants. The father of wind, even had a daughter Astraia, the goddess of the constellation Virgo.  Astrology says that for us to embrace the highest vision that is in site for ourselves we just have to pay attention.  Just might be missing something big like being a sexual god! What if you could please your Partner all because you know their zodiac signs and for once you paid attention to what the gods put in front of your face as you stuffed it at the Chinese’s restaurant. Plus you know in 30 min it will be all gone to do whatever sexual act to become this Sexual God. So pay attention it may change things and this may save you some time.

So does your sexuality have anything to do with your zodiac sign? Alternatively, do you see love in the stars and Venus is guiding you the way just because you are as cute like me? I feel if you make time to pay attention to your astrological sexual profiles you may have a better understanding of your partner’s behavior in the bedroom! Who knows the next morning there will be a book named after you? Alternatively, Better Yet, maybe you will have a star named after you because you rocked your women world all because you took the time to know what a Virgo likes.  So what happens when Venus and Mars line up I have no Idea but let's try it! I mean it really does seem fun. It is a modern, sexy approach to finding sexual secrets that you would never have found out if you would never have a focus on the signs from above. By doing so, this breaks up the difference between the two and what to focus on sexually. It could be from turn-ons, turn off, fantasies, secret desires. Exploring things that you have Never dreamed of until you meet your Gemini, oops I mean your sign that may knock you to your knees.

I mean think about it this way instead, think of it as a kind of New aged sexual therapy for you and your mate. You are taking the time to her. She thinks you are trying, and you are both doing something both that brought you two together and now why not explore it and focus on the signs together. See if it is correct, do a scientific experiment. DO it the name of Science man! Come on don’t be selfish take one for the team and just go with what the gods have lined up for you!


Smooches and much love!



Sabrina Ford

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