Thursday, May 28, 2015

Can Grey really trump Big?

So the other day I was given the chance to speak with a dear friend and by chance I may know him little closer than most.  Yes, I dated him, but that is beside the point we are actually really good friends that can prove that can still have a friendship with a relationship ends. It was nothing like bad; we were just too far.  So our relationship has always been about the battle of the brains at times.  Nothing about who is Smarter, I mean with his big head we know hands down. Plus God Love the man but he supports OU and well that is another Blog its self. So moving along we were talking about my school work and what my studies were. Just by chance the man has taken some of the same Sex classes as I am or doing as we speak. Now I am not saying anything about him going as a Masters in History but again we are moving along on the subject. So he was going on about his studies and what he learned and what I was going to be up against and what not. So I was glad to know those things for sure, so that was nice I thought. Now I will not state his thoughts because Zilla never got back with me, so I am not going to quote him. His ass is picky and mostly likely he will put up his blog up make me read it out loud that I did not quote him correctly. I am sure it will be about OU and read it on UT campus on a loud speaker. SO I would rather skip what he had to say. Plus I remember the last bet thanks but no thanks!

I can though give you the short version point he was Speaking about Fifty Shades of Gray. On top, we both have not read the book. Even though we both have a good idea what the book was and have a feeling that there is sex in the book as well. Now I can see two sides of the book and I will give mine in a moment. Of course, his was Bad off the top, without even thinking twice. His point was the book/ books was giving off that Domination and Submission being portrayed as this glamorous way of life. That the practice of BDSM and what is it in laymen terms.  It is the sexual activities that will or could involve bondage; there will be Discipline included in the act.  Sadism acts of domination, and there will be one Submissive Person. Giving it plenty of games of your choice to play with that would involve role-playing, restraints, and anything that gets your tickle going. On top of it there are another reasoning on why people play this kind of role in the bedroom from the get goes. To be honest, I am sure it has nothing to do with some of the titles that were put into the book, or attached Grey’s profile. Now I am certain they but the abuse card in there too, and that does not always mean that they will be into the kind of sex.  Most of the time, you have a 50/50 shot with sexual abused. Either they have a very high sex drive or it nothing, nothing in the middle.

So then I started to do research and well Zilla was not the only one that does not agree with this book. They funny part though the Sex Doctors could not totally put it down because it was like the sexual floodgates being open that Sexologists have wanted this for a long time. Of course, a Sexologist would like to talk about sex, but they wish to discuss Sex the right way.  So it makes their more active and little bit harder. Why because now everyone is coming into therapy with swollen asses and swollen jaw from the ball gag in his or her mouth. You keep that in your mouth for 8 hours, and you ask this why well that is because Bob had to read each page one by one.  See newbies have to be taught these things, and yes classes will start soon!  I think sex takes time, and this is something that does not happen overnight.  That this is a mental sex and you have to be clear in the mind, or you are going to be a hot mess afterwards. 

I am sure there are no warnings at the end of the book after you read it. I remember when some of the women that I worked with was so excited about the book and about how the sex was in the book.  What else, oh yes the sex, and yes the sex but never saw the full picture of what was under the real Grey character. So as I sit here and write this to you, my Ford readers, who else pops on the TV. The one and only Carrie and Big, Sex and the City. It is the last episode, and it is where Big flies to France to go get Carrie from The Russian. At the same time, Carrie gets slapped at the end of the show, and now she is crying and leaving the hotel.  Luckily the one and only Big shows up like the perfect knight that he is and sure in the end Big gets the girl. Both of these shows were a Book that then turned into a tv/ movie.  I do find it fun that as I am writing about sex both books reference to BDSM.  Both referenced in different way, now you know Greys stance on the matter.  Now Big tells Carrie that she had to go to the city of love. To Travel all the way around the world and for what as he is laughing he states “ to be slapped”.  Completely different meanings and different point of views in the authors writing. 

I do not think it was the times because everyone was having sex on that show and showing skin. At that time, that was the Fifty, and now I am sad to say it just crossed another level without having a warning. Do I think like Zilla no because it is a book and how can I pass judgement on something I have not taken the time to read? At this point, this is a scientific test to see if my guesses are correct. I do think that before you start planning the night away you need to prepare and plan. That you need to have same safety words and key rules set in stone first before anything is rockin' in your little love nest. Even get a book and do some reading. Make it a date and do some reading together, but not in the middle of the act. It kills the mood and remember communication is the key to making a relationship work.

Much Love and Smooches!

Sabrina Ford

Monday, May 25, 2015

Boomer Has It!

Sometimes everything you need to know is well right underneath your nose. Maybe it is right under your hand, scratching it. Maybe you have one of them; maybe you have 4 of them like me. One thing is for sure you can not be weak around them nor can you be a kitty cat because you may get eaten or well be called the pussy on the block for a reason.  Now don’t get dirty I am talking about your dog… you nasty Ford readers. I know I set you up on it.

That is because well I tend to get dirty, and I know you do too! Don’t lie because you are reading my stuff. Take me as I am, and love or hate me but I may be on to something. SO keep reading …

So here is the thing I have always been a person about Animals. I love them, would bring them all home if I could. My family had to put up with my bring home every pet.  Even my EX’s had to deal with it. I can not help it just want to save them and love them and hug them and kiss them. Yes, I have no Blue Bow and Cross Bones on top of my head.  Now you did not ask if it runs in the family, another subject totally,  Elmira is my Mom, hands downs she wins. Nana is Elmira do not let the cute Nana full ya!

Now as a Proud Doggie Mommy I must say that my four are the best loudmouth brats a mommy could not be any prouder. I have the General Boomer, who is in charge of everyone,  There is Bruno, and he has an accent when he barks. He is the scout, and he lets everyone know that someone is here, breathing, looking, staring, living. That is Bruno, and he thinks he 500 pounds and well he is maybe 5 pounds if that when wet. Winnie, I adopted when I came home, and she is my first little lady in a long time. She is sweet, and she keeps the boys in line and the boys do what The Princess has to say. Then there is the baby! The monster aka Mommie’s Boy, Benny Blue, aka Teeth. The Cadet that will never move up in ranks if keeps being a part ninja or part taste tester.  You know in some countries that would mean escape cons or Theif. All different in so many ways but loved very much and all very much my troops, my pack, my army, my testing system. Remember some of these words and will get back to them.

So now you have some history now you find out why I am even writing about this in the first place. I feel that your animals or just animals in the first place have said a spider sense if you know what I mean. They can feel things that you and I can not feel. They can smell things way before you can, they help in our daily jobs and if we did not have them I think our world would be a very sad place without them. So with that said if you dog humps your date that is your sign not to go out with him why because guess what your dog just said that was his bitch. Now I am not nasty, what do you call a female dog. Okay now stop it, they are called Bitches.  So now that is straight they are not the biggest pussy on the block. Now Please girls oh no your not left out either, this is going R. Kelly style.  He just going to mark you, claim you, and pee. Say that ten times and put a dance and do a wiggle and do the Boomer!

 Now Yes I have experience both of these moments. The General has been so kind to Pee on some women before and well I went on one date with this guy. Though I think I am going to bring my dog no big deal, and well can't be wimpy around Mr. Boomers no problem right. Well, Boomer kept humping the crap out of this guy. Boomer got more action than I did that night; let's put it that way.

Needless to say month down the road, he was more afraid of my ex- husband dog and his crazy gay stalker that even the Boomer stomp scared him to death.  At this point, I felt that Boomer was on to something. Boomer did not like my ex-husband/owner. Boomer would do the boomer stomp on him too but also well protect his self and well me too. I feel that animals do know a lot more than what people are willing to give them credit. Look I am not saying put all your money on your animal but I would at least listen and observe to what they have to say. Sometimes they feel it because there is that undying love that they have for you no matter what. That is what love is when that animal looks at you when you are the saddest, the happiest, the lowest, the neediest, or just for nothing but just there.  

So I guess tonight’s writing is about if you want to help someone find the truth about someone just bring pet. Might help you weed out much faster. Also, think of this too. These boys are a lot like Mr. Boomer. Now boys just follow me and no I am not saying men are DOGS. Oh god no, nothing like that at all.  They do however love the chase, it is in their DNA, and they can not help it at all.  So that means you have a man chasing you. See the picture now.  What do you do in the Park with your doggie? Play chase right, Yes that correct! Let's continue with this class,  So when you run in different directions your pup chases you, right? Well, this goes for the guy too! See how easy this is going so far, I do. What do you do if you want them to go away, you chase them, and yes that rule applies to the guys as well.  See beauty in the natural in these Men of creatures that we learn to keep falling in love over and over again.  I say keep things simple and trust what you feel and bring a Dog!

From Boomer’s Troops and Sabrina Ford Smooches!

P.S. The Boomer Stomp is when Boomer does his Boomer business and then throws grass on whoever is behind him. Watch out doing the Boomer Stomp

Friday, May 22, 2015

You wonder why I am going in this field?

When you look up Sexologist in Las Vegas,  there are 50 billion times plus then divide by 3. Maybe then, three more might even come close to the amount that is there in that area. There is that many more Sex Doctors compared to my area. Now of course there is maybe 3 in my area, and I am nice to that number to be frank about it. Being in Vegas was like Sex, the area looked like Sex and most defiantly it smelled like sex. Even made your actions turn into one way or another be in a way Sexual act or at least thinking about it or watching it at least.

It is funny how it started for me to go down there for an interview and networking. Also, I knew a friend was down there as well with his family too. Family meaning sister, brothers, group setting and what not. So why not go down and have fun know that there Is someone there I know at the same time. So the interview went great, and I got the internship.  So now I can relax but then I start to watch and notice everyone. What they are doing, saying and acting.  I am checking into my hotel room, and there are three women who were drunk off their ass half naked falling in the hotel lobby. Everyone was watching them and laughing at them. So not cool, so I help them up and fixed the girl up and covered a nip. I felt sorry for them, then gave the others a dirty look then cut in line. Dared anyone to say anything but nothing happened and I did get my room with a smile at the front with the staff. I am sure they see that kind of stuff all the time.

When I was on the Airplane, I was sitting behind these three gentlemen, and they were just talking about everything from work to family stuff. How they missed being single to fatherhood and how silly their children were and how silly their wives were and how great life was now that they did have those people in their life too. Then as soon as we landed one called his wife or partner and lied his ass off about where he was at and what he was doing. Then laughing about how long before how many hours before she will know where his location is.

When I was at the pool everyone seemed to be having a great time. Dancing, drinking smoking their cancer sticks. Most of them half naked and some of them should have adequately covered.  Who cares there were drinks included and involved.  Which always makes everyone look better, you know the good looking glasses. I was sitting next to this woman was totally fun having a blast at a time.  Now she was trying everything to pick up the male staff in every way possible. I was with her most of the Daylight time and at the very end as I was leaving I find out that she was married. Let’s say she was trying every pickup line on the male staff and do bad things to them in so many ways.

Then I read about the Google Executive that overdosed and was just watched by the killer as she drank wine over his dead body that laid on the floor. I read how there is some justice and how the woman does go to jail. Then is there any justice, the man lived a  married life. He had five children and married for a long time if I recall correctly. Worked for Google for years and this is what the result was, thanks, jail time.  The same night I am watching news station, and they are doing a show on surger babies and being on certain websites.  What caught my eye was that the news reporter she had this stereotype that the women that were on the site were lazy, no dreams, just laying on their back. Like the woman that killed the Google Executive. The women that she interviewed they were driven women, looking to keep improving with a driving goal to keep changing the goal always. That the goal to achieve more and that instead of sex just being sex but as sex as knowledge and power. Just like a man how money, job, stature meant wealth and power.   

Now you see why I am going in this field, not just Vegas needs this kind of Doctor.  I remember a time when Dumb Dumb my ex- husband, said how it was always the poor and the uneducated that had all the issues.That those could not fail at life failed at everything even in their relationships. You know that moment when you could have Tarantino be your Director, and his music is playing in the background. All you can think is all the derogatory things you can think of in poetic Tarantino Black and White kind of way. I remember saying to him you never know what is behind closed doors. In a crazy way, he just could never believe a wealthy side could have sexual side effects that needed medical attention. If it was not drugs, it was sex, it was not sex it was both.  Just makes me think anyone could be that Google’s Executive wife.  Then again, anyone could be his mistress, and he had been seeing her for a while, had done this before with the drugs. So was not a big deal to them. It could have happened to anyone who does drug. I remember I would have done anything for my ex-husband to make him happy. To please him, to save our marriage. Now of course this is I am sure much different but again it could happen. Just like that in one sec it all be gone in one night over one drug over one sexless meaningless sex night with someone that does not mean anything but broken pieces. Just like that it is gone in a blink of an eye. I thank God I was not her, but I can say this I can see how quickly it can get there though that is for sure.

 So I say this from dealing with a Sex Addict and Druggie, who used Money and Class as a cover. It is never worth your value of your life!  Remember your life has so much more value then that pocket book.   That is not enough remember there is me, You can speak with me. I will talk with you no matter what. I can tell you I have been there. I promise you I have seen it, I heard it, and there is nothing to be ashamed. Sometimes just knowing that someone will listen will just help. Just know change is hard and being brave is even harder. I just know once it is done it feels great.

Much Love and Smooches,


Sabrina Ford



Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sabrina Ford Inc is Coming, and I am coming out with mouth full of words! Its time to COME OUT !!!!

 A year ago almost you said I need to surround myself with people with success since I was a mess in life. DID you EVER think that I Was the one to be around? I have my school all lined up.  I am not only in school for BA in Human Science Journalism and Ph.D. in Psychology who specialize in Sexology. Of course, I will have to get my masters but I am working on as we speak. With 4.0-grade point average . Hints is going so well. It has hit ten countries and in one month starting in March for a Test run I hit over 3000 readers in one month. Just landed a job in Las Vegas for my journalism to be an intern on Kiss whom Specialize in Sex and the start of my student/career. So no worries mate I paid your back taxes of 4000!
Mister, I work for SharePoint, and I am a consultant for such a big company. I just put the website back up because I just built a new one and YES I made it not just you can do it. Yes, not all the codes were made for me but I did put some into it, and I did this all by myself. When I think about it though doesn't SharePoint place in the templates for you too?
That house you can have live in it because it will be empty just like the life that you will end up having or having now . You will end up like your parents. You are nothing life your father, but you are everything like your mother and your brother and that hooker of a sister. See she has her degree too called an MRS... and she spreads them so well for that.


That car you have it only shows what a little Napoleon you have and nothing more. It only shows your Napoleon complex even more. I did pass the polygraph test that I took too. I made 2 of them for the book. See the divorce is over. Your attorney did everything THAT you wanted. I DID Not fight anything like I said. NOW remember what I said to you. THAT I will explain my name and that everyone will know why this marriage was and don't worry baby I will not put size, names, or anything that points to you. I will put in what happened to me and the life that my children and had to live. THE life that I ran from to be away from you. That I ran from many states to be away from you and still your still here in Texas were you followed me.
I have put it in gods (YOU KNOW SINCE THE JEW DOES NOT PRAY) hands and MAYBE that is why I got the publishing deal. It is a very excellent deal as well. I could buy 5 of your little dick cars. . I can even get my home without my grandmother's money.  To be honest, there was no contract signed that I will not be with anyone that I should not be with or that they will pick my, next mate.

See the difference between you and I is that your ass is so Old, and I am so much younger than you!  I am 11 years difference than you .. My life is still going. I have a new freedom being away from you. You held me back so much, your mind is so weak and petty that I should have seen this years ago. You will never be happy due of the way you live you life in lies.  You rather live your life with the crap of material things and likes to have the money that you did not even work to have. Your grandfather did and how sick is it how your family member or well a few, not all of them but a few and including you only care about the money that your grandmother has. I understand why she stay alive. So she does not see what comes to an end when she does pass. 


So what you do with your Computer work and like many other people.  Your point is what to show that you know so much and how successful you are.  Well, I think it, not really a big fat deal you talk to a computer and it saying nothing back. It does not fight you back; it is a weak mind because it is only a computer. You always said that those who could not do Teach .. Well makes me wonder about you. You made the call to work with something that did not fight back, speak back, or have a mind of its own. Seems like you just want to be a German Nazi that wish to be in control of camp of your choice and do what you wish to those who are in that Nazi camp.  I do though feel with my career I would have more of impact on people. I Think of words and how they can do so much power than it can put your computer shit down the drain. Sure you make things work and run and Big Company labor and function. Can you imagine a Company without words there would not be any POWER with that company if there were not any words? I think we should do a test .... maybe you will watch maybe you will not because these things do take time and embarrassment might be just too much for you to take. Let's see who's Job does more power toward people's lives. Let's see who has more success than who, and let's see will end being more in the end. So be a good boy and do what you family wants and go puts crack and coke in your nose. Maybe you can stick something up your ass and then pray afterword's that know one will ever know that you were ever married to me and that you liked men instead!

However, AGAIN EVERYTHING IS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. WOULDN'T IT BE A DAMN SAME AFTER ALL OF THIS YOUR FAMILY GETS A FREE BOOK. NOTHING WILL BE WRITTEN ABOUT THEM. THEY ARE NOTHING TO ME. THEY ARE NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT. THEY ONLY KNOW WHAT YOU TOLD THEM little dick man. THIS IS ABOUT SEX, LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS SO I GUESS THAT MEAN ABOUT what can come with it, Sometimes that may mean Abuse, Drugs, Lies, Cheating. Pictures of abuse, Doctors with MRI's and X-rays that show broken rib that I had. Funny being back home they have all my medical history and throughout my Martial Arts Career and NOT once did I have a Broken bone. I promise you will be able to see the progress of the book because it will be on written about time lined on the site. Everything I am doing is going to be recorded and being tracked. It is my life and why, not TA TA did it (Taylor Swift)!


Smooches and much love!

Sabrina Ford aka YOUR Brilliant ,young, EX-WIFE little man
The real and only that will be blunt enough to stand out!

Tamara Nicole Reeves Hinson
P.S keep an eye on the winkles around your ears and keep up on the hair that grows out of the TOP of your nose. Weird how it comes out of your ears and the top of your nose but not your head. Just keep fluffing the top you wont see the shinny parts that way !

Monday, May 11, 2015

I am Back and with the 411!

The brain is ready, and the words are flowing once more again. Nothing like making your brain work in overdrive.  Building a website, school, and every social site known to man has been given a new shine as well. At this point, the is looking very sexy now.  Pretty proud of it and how it looks I must say. I have missed my blog so much though that is for sure. I missed talking to my computer and having the work come through by a touch of the fingertips with a press of a button.  I do think that everything that I ever wanted is now on the website.  As time goes by and school progress I will be adding and changing everything on there more than once. I can not help that I want perfection on this project of mine. Now I have been keeping track of other things besides the website, like dating. That has been fun as well because nothing like writing after a date. Who say's to someone that has children," I am not a child person" when you know the person sitting across from you does have kids. People say the funniest things on dates.

The school has been great, and nothing like pulling A's out of this brilliant mind that I have. Nothing like the knowledge that can make a person feel fabulous about themselves.  Who would have thought I would be learning such neat things about the human mind.  Then learn how to put it down on paper and hope that some of these words do mean something to someone that needs to hear them.  It is funny now when I tell people what I am doing in school and seeing their reactions.  Oh, a what yes, there is Sex in the word. Why is being a sexologist such a Taboo subject? Even if I become a PH.D then will you just think of me as the Sex Dr. Oh gosh I hope so,  it would be so official.  To be able to talk so freely about sex subjects, Science Sex Research would be fun as well. Then go around and Talk. I can do this with my eyes close. Then the subject be about Love, SEX, and Relationships. You do have to admit those are the fun topics to discuss no matter what sex you are. Know what the other side thinks. Who does not want to know what a Man think while making love. Alternatively,  just anything related to those subjects fun sexy items.

So let us talk about Sexology and what it is, well it is the science of sex that was mingled together with the psychology of the human nature.  Then made me think what atypical sex researcher is. Then made me think even more what do people think of it when they hear Sexologist. So I started to dig and found one of the first Sexologist was a man and not just any man. A man that pissed of one of the Biggest Terrorist known to man and that was Hitler. Hitler thought that this sexologist was a and wait let me quote this crazy bastard. Hitler said he was a "Gay, Jewish, and Socialist" and that even went so far and said that this man was the "most dangerous man in Germany".  Magnus Hirschfeld was a man, that believed in this subject so deeply that he had over 30 years of research.  Went so far that made the world's first Institute of study of Sexology.  In 1919, it was built and  called Institute of Sexual Science was soon ordered and destroyed by the Nazi's per Hitler's request. This man was the first known publishers of Transgender and homosexuality. So will I be written about in 30 years maybe. I love the thought of that.

Now everywhere you go you can not miss the sex Indo en Dems. They are everywhere you look, and you can not run away from it. Go online and there you go there it is Sex and it everywhere. However, nothing in regards to science. Are you kidding me I bet if you put an add on craigslist? Need Sex Subjects in the Name of Science. There would be a list this long of the potential test subject. I can see it now men and women in line to become part of science. Now would you really not want to be a part of that now really? It is ok to say Yes because it is normal and yes you like how I put women on the line as well. I did notice that it was not just Men in the Sexology Department; there are women too. Bold and all seem very ready and willing to talk about their subject at hand as well.  Sex is so typical that there are museums about it. The Musem of Sex in New York City. It everywhere so why not know as much as possible about it since it does drive the Human Brain and can control over their bodies over the want of the drive of wanting sex.

To be a Sexologist you begin to understand the medical side of sex, or even the criminological warfare of someone that is not on the safe side of sex.  Alternatively, better yet the myths of sex and what a better way to do science. As time goes on the words, Sexologist is becoming more freely out of my mouth. At first I was quite about it but that is truly not me. So yes I felt being open about this is much better than being behind closed doors. That is just defeating the entire point if I want help, someone. Can not be afraid to be public about this subject. One of the first questions I am getting a lot is what do your children think about my writings. Well, my son he is well 7 and he is all about playing and being a kid. The daughter who is 14 going on 25 does know what my subjects are. She knew about the birds and the bees a long time ago. I would rather her know it from me then someone else that may not care as much as I.

Man that came out very nice, The thought of my baby girl being touched. The thought of just being sexual is well that is my little girl Okay, back to the subject see even the Sexologist will have to work on things too.  The funny part that I did find that sexologist had the same routine sex problems as regular Men and Women who have sex. You think well that is not funny but when I tell you the difference in the percent between the two. That is the funny part guess who had the higher problems in the sex department. The sexologist, well that is just great. When my next blog comes out it will be about how the Sexologist has the lolly pop. Meaning it is as easy as taking candy from the baby. Oh everyone wants to date the Dr. Of Love but then he or she start to think it another tune that is for sure. I have had three dates chicken out because they asked what I was going back to school for. Some have asked me out just because of my path that I am on. If you wanted to know the difference, it was almost 15% difference. That is a big difference, not like past presidential elections. Well, let's hope that I do not fall in those numbers. I can understand why those are the numbers though.

The world without Love, Sex, and Relationships would be very annoying. Everything else has a Doctor for it so why not for this department as well. Especially when it is a very Big part of everyday life. So I ask you to jump in this sexual rabbit hole and read along with me. Truly there is so much that we can learn from science honestly. That there is so much to learn and share with one another that if we do not speak about it how can we ask for changes. When we do nothing, speak nothing, nothing will happen. Then who's fault will it be then, our children's children? They already have the American Debt Bill already. Now Sex issues too; that is not a good combo if you ask me.  Next thing you know everything is Grey, Black, and White.  So instead of that kind of life I prefer zest of color and with a splash of fire with mine, please.  So I ask my fellow Ford Followers check out my new site, chat with me, Chat with each other. Let's  talk about SEX, LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS. Let's get this right, and all I ask from you is to allow me to learn from you. I will give you in return my Honesty, my loyalty and my faith in my work to be true for you. So thanks for standing my by me and reading along with my journey. OUR journey to be truthful because this is about you as well and could not be done without you too. So leave your comments, the good ones, the sick (wink) ones too and even the nasty (wink wink) things will make it in as well.

Smooches and Much Love,

Sabrina Ford

The sexual bill of rights:
These include the individual rights of all persons, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence, to:

The right to sexual freedom.

The right to sexual autonomy, sexual integrity, and safety of the sexual body.

The right to sexual privacy. The right to sexual equity.

The right to sexual pleasure.

The right to emotional, sexual expression.

The right to sexually associate freely.