Monday, May 11, 2015

I am Back and with the 411!

The brain is ready, and the words are flowing once more again. Nothing like making your brain work in overdrive.  Building a website, school, and every social site known to man has been given a new shine as well. At this point, the is looking very sexy now.  Pretty proud of it and how it looks I must say. I have missed my blog so much though that is for sure. I missed talking to my computer and having the work come through by a touch of the fingertips with a press of a button.  I do think that everything that I ever wanted is now on the website.  As time goes by and school progress I will be adding and changing everything on there more than once. I can not help that I want perfection on this project of mine. Now I have been keeping track of other things besides the website, like dating. That has been fun as well because nothing like writing after a date. Who say's to someone that has children," I am not a child person" when you know the person sitting across from you does have kids. People say the funniest things on dates.

The school has been great, and nothing like pulling A's out of this brilliant mind that I have. Nothing like the knowledge that can make a person feel fabulous about themselves.  Who would have thought I would be learning such neat things about the human mind.  Then learn how to put it down on paper and hope that some of these words do mean something to someone that needs to hear them.  It is funny now when I tell people what I am doing in school and seeing their reactions.  Oh, a what yes, there is Sex in the word. Why is being a sexologist such a Taboo subject? Even if I become a PH.D then will you just think of me as the Sex Dr. Oh gosh I hope so,  it would be so official.  To be able to talk so freely about sex subjects, Science Sex Research would be fun as well. Then go around and Talk. I can do this with my eyes close. Then the subject be about Love, SEX, and Relationships. You do have to admit those are the fun topics to discuss no matter what sex you are. Know what the other side thinks. Who does not want to know what a Man think while making love. Alternatively,  just anything related to those subjects fun sexy items.

So let us talk about Sexology and what it is, well it is the science of sex that was mingled together with the psychology of the human nature.  Then made me think what atypical sex researcher is. Then made me think even more what do people think of it when they hear Sexologist. So I started to dig and found one of the first Sexologist was a man and not just any man. A man that pissed of one of the Biggest Terrorist known to man and that was Hitler. Hitler thought that this sexologist was a and wait let me quote this crazy bastard. Hitler said he was a "Gay, Jewish, and Socialist" and that even went so far and said that this man was the "most dangerous man in Germany".  Magnus Hirschfeld was a man, that believed in this subject so deeply that he had over 30 years of research.  Went so far that made the world's first Institute of study of Sexology.  In 1919, it was built and  called Institute of Sexual Science was soon ordered and destroyed by the Nazi's per Hitler's request. This man was the first known publishers of Transgender and homosexuality. So will I be written about in 30 years maybe. I love the thought of that.

Now everywhere you go you can not miss the sex Indo en Dems. They are everywhere you look, and you can not run away from it. Go online and there you go there it is Sex and it everywhere. However, nothing in regards to science. Are you kidding me I bet if you put an add on craigslist? Need Sex Subjects in the Name of Science. There would be a list this long of the potential test subject. I can see it now men and women in line to become part of science. Now would you really not want to be a part of that now really? It is ok to say Yes because it is normal and yes you like how I put women on the line as well. I did notice that it was not just Men in the Sexology Department; there are women too. Bold and all seem very ready and willing to talk about their subject at hand as well.  Sex is so typical that there are museums about it. The Musem of Sex in New York City. It everywhere so why not know as much as possible about it since it does drive the Human Brain and can control over their bodies over the want of the drive of wanting sex.

To be a Sexologist you begin to understand the medical side of sex, or even the criminological warfare of someone that is not on the safe side of sex.  Alternatively, better yet the myths of sex and what a better way to do science. As time goes on the words, Sexologist is becoming more freely out of my mouth. At first I was quite about it but that is truly not me. So yes I felt being open about this is much better than being behind closed doors. That is just defeating the entire point if I want help, someone. Can not be afraid to be public about this subject. One of the first questions I am getting a lot is what do your children think about my writings. Well, my son he is well 7 and he is all about playing and being a kid. The daughter who is 14 going on 25 does know what my subjects are. She knew about the birds and the bees a long time ago. I would rather her know it from me then someone else that may not care as much as I.

Man that came out very nice, The thought of my baby girl being touched. The thought of just being sexual is well that is my little girl Okay, back to the subject see even the Sexologist will have to work on things too.  The funny part that I did find that sexologist had the same routine sex problems as regular Men and Women who have sex. You think well that is not funny but when I tell you the difference in the percent between the two. That is the funny part guess who had the higher problems in the sex department. The sexologist, well that is just great. When my next blog comes out it will be about how the Sexologist has the lolly pop. Meaning it is as easy as taking candy from the baby. Oh everyone wants to date the Dr. Of Love but then he or she start to think it another tune that is for sure. I have had three dates chicken out because they asked what I was going back to school for. Some have asked me out just because of my path that I am on. If you wanted to know the difference, it was almost 15% difference. That is a big difference, not like past presidential elections. Well, let's hope that I do not fall in those numbers. I can understand why those are the numbers though.

The world without Love, Sex, and Relationships would be very annoying. Everything else has a Doctor for it so why not for this department as well. Especially when it is a very Big part of everyday life. So I ask you to jump in this sexual rabbit hole and read along with me. Truly there is so much that we can learn from science honestly. That there is so much to learn and share with one another that if we do not speak about it how can we ask for changes. When we do nothing, speak nothing, nothing will happen. Then who's fault will it be then, our children's children? They already have the American Debt Bill already. Now Sex issues too; that is not a good combo if you ask me.  Next thing you know everything is Grey, Black, and White.  So instead of that kind of life I prefer zest of color and with a splash of fire with mine, please.  So I ask my fellow Ford Followers check out my new site, chat with me, Chat with each other. Let's  talk about SEX, LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS. Let's get this right, and all I ask from you is to allow me to learn from you. I will give you in return my Honesty, my loyalty and my faith in my work to be true for you. So thanks for standing my by me and reading along with my journey. OUR journey to be truthful because this is about you as well and could not be done without you too. So leave your comments, the good ones, the sick (wink) ones too and even the nasty (wink wink) things will make it in as well.

Smooches and Much Love,

Sabrina Ford

The sexual bill of rights:
These include the individual rights of all persons, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence, to:

The right to sexual freedom.

The right to sexual autonomy, sexual integrity, and safety of the sexual body.

The right to sexual privacy. The right to sexual equity.

The right to sexual pleasure.

The right to emotional, sexual expression.

The right to sexually associate freely.  

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