Saturday, June 27, 2015

Kiss and Make Up or Kiss and Tell


Wow, what a week, such incredible changes that happen day in and day out. The world is changing some for the good and then of course there are the bad moments too. Most of the time the world can look pretty impressive, but it is the way you think in regards to everything. I mean everything can be ugly or something can be critiqued on how things should be. Or you can look at it a different way and find the beauty in what it can be. What if everyone just stopped and thought differently or better yet just stopped assuming and instead check the facts. Before you acted or responded in a way that you can not take back. What if instead of assuming that you verified what your were feeling was correct. Instead you did not, did things in a way that just made you both feel like crap in the process of it. That everything now is complete upside down, and you both just lost. Now do you make the choice of kissing and making up or do you kiss in tell and say goodbye.

Even I have a hard time picking and choosing my battles. When to say something and when to not and again if you do not know me keeping my words to myself tend to be very hard. Then another part I have even noticed that being back home that I am not up north anymore either. Meaning just seeing human portray the ups and down of different forms of discrimination between each other. The sadness that keeps causing this type of terrorism is the lack of communication that is not being used. Everyone says talk about your feeling but when you do, then you're looked upon as something or someone Ill and Ill willed. That your are the weaker human than the others because you want to talk instead of keeping up with the fight.  All this week there were a lot of different opinions in regards to the news or what people thought of a Flag or Peps in love with each other. A lot of humans have a lot of different opinions, a lot of strong opinions. Everyone has their right and freedom of speech baby all the way! What I just do not understand is why everyone has to be mad and upset when their point is not being accepted. What is the purpose of why you take it so personal when you do not see eye to eye?  The sick part is that because of the ugliness that whatever point that you were making even if it was Pro VS Con. You are right, and they are not it only defeats the purpose of the cause that your fighting for. That now the point that you are making is null and void by your reactions. It only seems to make any cause that is going on for the others around just kind of kills the fun when others are being the party popper, or a better word just negative.
So if you see this happening instead of becoming mad or upset. Stop and breath and know that sometimes when people are scared of what they do not understand can cause a terrible side effect. That lack of accepting and wanting to change is no reason to become upset because of what? Of what they think or that they will think less because you think differently than them. Remember that is it is okay for them to feel scared or insecure about what will be.  Sometimes you have to accept that your point will never be made that they will never understand why you feel this way. Period nothing more and accepts it but does that mean that you bow down, Hell no. Let me say this again never bow down for believing in a dream or believing in your feelings. They are your feelings, and you are allowed to feel this way. That it OK for the both of you to have different options but you just show the better foot instead. Do not keep feeding the fire when you damn well your point is not going to be made. Due to reasons that must be a lack of intelligence on their part for dropping the standards of not improving. Not allowing the acceptance of change and instead of keeps statistics down and keep polls the same. Are you not tired of fighting and yelling at each other over such silliness that it has become a whopper of a fish tale? Now here is something to remember when you are around such silliness. Words only have the power if you allow it to have power, that you allow it to win and take over what you feel. Remember you can control this outcome with the negativity of others not willing to. You can only control your mind and your respect for the life of others.

So what have I learned this week weakness kills the love if you only allow it? That you control it baby and that words only matter if you let them too. Now you can use this thinking across the board, with loved ones, a coworker, a potential mate that could have been. Who knows take your pick but no matter what you can use it and remember it. It will save you so much heart pain when you just have to accept that they do not feel the same way or care in the same way. Now at the end of the day you can say that You were proud that you kept your cool and that once you did not allow them to win. Remember its just words and if you enable it to control you, then they win and get what they wanted in the end. So be proud you did not bend that you took control and that for once that you kept what you believed wholesome and protected as it should be. 

Sabrina Ford

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Are We Making Love or Is This Bow Chicka Wow Wow

When Aristotle had the thought process of Two Bodies and One Soul, was there another book anywhere I am just asking? Just curious in what would have been his thought process in what the difference in Making Love was or is this This Bow Chicka Wow Wow, the dirty tango, or was it just another Knicker Snot? Meaning was it a Tap that kind of thing on the Roster or are you making love to your mate?  Making Love is what you can say in a nice way of putting “just having sex and nothing more at this time”. Alternatively, it could also mean just pure animal sexual chemistry. How can you tell the difference and what if you are making love and you just do not even know it? What are the signs, what is the classifications for making love and if you are not how can you? Maybe Shagging is just shagging but how do you know when it turns to Love Making.

Now there have been studies both men and women allowed to have their brains scanned by an MRI, and they found that Love and Lust were not that far apart. That the feelings of wanting to hump air that there is a reason and seems that they are not that far apart from each other. You have heard of that saying your love is my drug, well it is not too far from that either. The desire of sexual wants does overlap with the emotional love that even Lust can transfer into love or the other way around. Look I do not think the Man/Woman is going to kick you out of the sack because you want to make whoopee with each other because these are ordinary chemical reactions that you are feeling. It goes hand and hand and that you are not mad for having these falling in love yet feelings. No, and it is even possible to fall in love at first sight. It happens it does, think about it when you see each other for the first time you
 A:  You go I want to go play puzzle with this person. Alternatively, B: you quickly think about how the two of you are quickly going to make love as soon as possible without being arrested. Oh, better yet let's not have a classroom study us like we were wild animals in the act. The studies also show that no your are not needy after sex that you do feel those connections of not wanting to be away from each other. That Love is being created by the two of you because again it does take two to get a party started. That it is okay to feel the feeling of want and to be more proximate to each other, because once again your brain is causing this effect another one that goes hand and hand with each other. That it is okay to feel this and no your not being crazy because that is the correct reaction for your brain to act after the sexual dance.

Now when in the act of this art of love are you able to see if this love making is the regular mechanical order of things. You know The Wiki How of How to have sex. The rubbing, licking, sucking, you name it the wild mechanical order of lovemaking. Meaning that one person is the Object, and the other is the one with the Sexual Appetite, and that sucked you clean dry. Now please do not get me wrong that is not a bad way to go but if you wanting more then do you remember two powerful sexual phrases that I said. One, It takes two to get the party started and the other one that is the most important one of all Two Bodies One Soul. Powerful phrases what do you mean well it is a mindset, you are telling yourself “The Brain” yes or no. Through all of this it had nothing to do with a foot, or hand but your brain. Now the hard part is one may reciprocate, or they both want it and then it grows from lust to love.  When you make that mental note, I am his, and you are mine that is when the sex starts to turn into lovemaking. One climax to another begins to create a chain effect that the lust is no longer and is becoming this incredible love making session. That now instead of the Mechanical order of sex it has let's get lost with each other and never come out again. Then at that moment it becomes I become Yours and You are mines. That the want of who climaxes first is not the order of things, but it is more about the tenderness of being together as one.

So when you are ready to make love you will let go of your walls and be one with each other. Are you prepared to surrender to your mate and give them yourself if it is the start of something wonderful when it is right? Now again this has to be both of you feeling of letting go to each other, it all in or it will not work. Someone will end up very disappointed in the end and unsatisfied as well. The other things are to remember to build a healthy sexual relationship and create an incredible love affair. Think of it as a test once you are ready to make that move forward in the relationship think about all the practice of making love to fall in love with one another. Seems like all of love making would do a fantastic scientific love experiment.

                                                          Sabrina Ford 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Life As A Writer And A Researcher Can You Be Too Honest

You know how you plan out everything out, and you have this idea what will be. Then nothing is what you thought or even comes close to what you pictured. It seems like this week has been about that. I had planned out to write and what to write and excited about how I was going to put it down on paper but just seems after the changes how can I write about it now. I can talk about my school week in kicking some major Sex Class, Writing and whatever else I stuffed in my brilliant mind that I have learned in the past week, but that is annoying. I can talk about dates that I am researching and couples that I am speaking with, and that is not boring. I do however need to start thinking of what does come out of my mouth, now everyone that does know me in person has this in writing. Print it, Frame it because this is not a typical moment, and well Pigs just flew and Texas has rain.

Sometimes I do think that if I wait and just watch what unfolds that sometimes my writing will just land on my feet and most of the time it does. Then no worries about my mouth and the news of whatever that will become news to write about already had it coming out to say. They already did so much for me, so all I have to do is finish what they started. For some reason, I did not retain any of the juicy stuff and instead it was more in regards to privacy and what to say and not to say. This is such a problem with me at the moment because the one I never was born with a filter. Now, my daughter thinks that Sabrina Ford is my Alter Ego that needs to put on a leash and kept in a cage. Only let out when it is for feeding time aka writing time. It was about sending emails instead of taking the time to write a letter. The point was to convey why it is important to keep traditions going. That normal manors continue and be passed down to next generation and why those things are still important. So at this point I guess I am at a standstill on what to write, but I keep going back this privacy issue thing. I guess this issue is coming up because what is my limit now. How far will I go and what will I write. I feel I should have the right to say what I please, and that comes from the brain and out the shoot. Then again I think about my loved ones whom I do love or will come across my path what if I have to respect their wishes. What if they say NO I am not allowed to write about them?

They say that the Truth will set you Free and that being honest is the path to be. Then when you look around, I never see anyone being honest anymore, and this is going from across the board from top to bottom. Very simple to you telling your wife no she does not look fat in that outfit when you know she does. Alternatively, even saying to your partner that you enjoyed dinner when damn well the cat even gagged on it. Your employees do it, Oh yes I finished it, and it took me this amount of time while it is still sitting on your desk.  Everyone thinks of it as a white lie, and everyone looks down at dishonesty, but then everyone still does it in his or her way. When it just so much easier not argue, and not hurt someone’s feeling by being honest. I mean there is a list I am sure you can go down of what you tell yourself to make it ok in your head why it is okay to go down the little white lie path. Break it down further why was the little white lie even thought of in the first place. Most of the time it was to protect something or someone. Think about it, you were protecting her feelings, you were protecting your integrity or protecting an image. Alternatively, was it straight up fear, scared of being in trouble or say you were afraid of not being able to take that sale on and hit sale numbers at the office. 

So what is being Honest then, it is Trust! Flat out, hands down trust. So by being honest I am trustworthy a good human trait. Now by giving a white lie to the person that you are protecting deep down it shows that you do not trust that person. That by you lying to “protect them “is saying that they are not worthy of your honesty or your confidence. Intern, they get the white lie, that the protection mode so much easier. So really what kind of friendship will can you have at the end, and nothing can be to honest.  A one-way ticket down no man’s land of never coming back together because you started off on the wrong foot. So in the end you are asking yourself how highly you think of this person.  Blunt, yes I know but that is the truth, and that is me being honest. That is how it is broken down as humans in our heads. How we make it out to be okay for that white lie to come out. Oh Hell, that is how we lie to ourselves too. White lies all the time about ourselves in our heads. You know what I am saying too and think about if you cannot trust others and you are lying to yourself as well. What do you think to yourself and how healthy you are mental?

So can I be honest is the question now? I mean it is in the title, but I feel the real issue that everyone would like to know, Do I have what it takes to get the honest out and be honest to my writing. So after all of this I find that yes that I am and No I will never break my word on trust. I want you to trust me and believe in me, and if you ask me not to write about you, then I will not and that my word is my bond. That if I tell you something that I mean what I say, that I do have respect for your wishes. I feel that I have more respect for myself and would not cause disgrace to myself just for some words. Just to make some words come across the internet just for what because, I have the know how to do so, that is called being a bully. Just not worth it to me in the end. Rather have my respect for myself, from you, the respect of my readers. Now I am not saying you give out entirely everything on yourself, and pass out Tax info and how much you make.  Nor do I think you need to explain why you are not speaking about an individual subject because you have the right to not talk about it, and that is your right. Also remember is that by being honest with loved ones is how the outcome is coming out any different in the end. You are supposed to be frank and open to them, so the outcome should still be the same in the end right. Right!

Sabrina Ford 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Mr. Father Maybe You Need TO See the Smitten Kitten

Today I was reading, and I felt the need to write about this because I do believe in Sex Education for one. Second I honestly I feel and do believe that everyone has the right to know and has the right to protect themselves in every way possible for when the time comes. Now do I always agree with the age of the sexual encounter of when that should be.  Do I believe in waiting for when the time is right for you and when you feel you are ready?  Do I think if you want to wait until marriage then okay, well that is up to you. Now I will say do I believe in Monogamy and giving you to that one when you are both ready to make changes together and take that next step in the relationship. Sure not a problem, that is the entire point of why I am going to school.  What I am doing is so I can help others learn, move in a direction in the sex department that they can be satisfied sexually. For some, this is something that they have never been able to do. Many people from young to old, some feel ashamed to talk about sex to family or friends, so someone that is in the middle and not connected in a personal way.  Plus knowing what the hell they are talking about even better.  WITH THAT SAID!

This JACKASS had to be on T.V. to well take his maxi pad off on T.V. for everyone to watch because he “said he was not informed that his children were going to the Smitten Kitten”.  Now the Truth is that His daughter’s felt that he was not man enough to know where they were. Nor Could they let him know that they were going. There was a reason these girls did not tell him. I do find it funny how all of a sudden the girls just out of the blue told him about their day. When the first place he said, he knew nothing about it. No, someone was being a Chicken Head about it and then he made the young ladies tell him. What else would a parent do if they knew nothing and wanted to know now?  Now look here is the thing, First of all,  the girls went to this place was from the ages 11-13. Now we have seen it; we may even know someone, but there are young mothers out there.  I know there I go again saying such a vixen thing, kids doing it. Children are enjoying sex; kids want it. Right, you tell them to stop good luck, HA! It is time to start to educate people or what we keep having more people on the planet?  Someone has got to talk and say hey now strap it up, tuck it away, and no dipping the stick. Not until you are ready to take the chance to have your tallywacker to go backwards towards your butt when you find out you just knocked her up! I am not sure about you but when your not ready and you know that you are about to have a baby it feels like a 50-foot drop. For some reason this might be it, I have a feeling that it might be the number one birth control.  The only problem researchers find that it is just too late! Ha, what a meathead!

So you ask what school would do such a thing and how can the city not get involved. Well duh, these parents decided to fight the system and went Charter. Guess what most Charter schools Child Protective Service can not touch it with a 10FT pole. That is probably why in the interview it states that the police are looking into the case. That is all they can do is see is if there were any laws that were broken and nothing more.  I know that at the beginning of August when they give you that book of paperwork that you have to fill out and sign. You know that rhythm that you get into, and your signature starts out beautiful and proud and then min by min it becomes a checkmark.  Then at this point your pray for it to be over with and your just checking and signing my name in different languages to see if the school even notice. Somewhere on that paperwork you did sign that they could go on school trips. The school felt at this age that they would tell their parents and well the school is flat known to provide holistic education services k-12. So you mean to tell me MR. Father, you did not know what you sign up for with this charter school? I mean look how cool the School Director is and she is the Sex Education Teacher as well! I am not facetious; she is bad to the bone, and I would not have a problem learning from her or having my kids taking a class.

So you are telling America and I that you are going to have an issue with this brilliant minded woman teach your children now all of a sudden. Look Skippy maybe you need to get some, go walk in and check out the Smitten Kitten. How can you Sir bash something when you know nothing about when you were not even there in the first place?  Also Mr. DAD of the Year, that wants everyone to know now that he needs sex. Why do you not know what your girls are doing? The real questions should be why are the cops not asking this father why do you not know what your children are doing? Why are you waiting for it to be too late, and maybe CPS does need to be called so you can be informed on better ways in parenting? I believe that is what our Tax money is for, and their job is to educate? Are we are not helping pay for Child Protective Service to do what …… hold on I am waiting? Maybe there was a reason these girls sneaked away, and I mean look how you are acting now. You are looking like the jerk of the year or better yet a Baboon’s Red Ass. He who took his children away from their friends and away from what they know.   Also, FYI your kids are very smart, and they know how this went down. They will always Know it was you that made them start all over for what, so You can feel better? That is Special!

So making this big of a deal is because you put them in this school when you knew what you were signing. Like there is any man that does not know what he is signing. Ha please so now you are saying, Sir, your have an Intelligence issue? No Sir, you need to ask some questions to yourself. You are out of the loop crazy man because you are you. Now the news loves people like you to air, and again like I said might need you to find someone more knowledged and intelligent that could help explain why you are out of the loop. I just can not see out of all of those Ladies that went on this field trip and their parents knew and you did not? Why are you allowed to be on TV no less the news? Then be flat out act out or be an uneducated and be in the public eye. That truly has no clue about what is going on in your children's life because they are choosing not to tell you. That is an issue with you sir and not on anyone else. Plus your are giving way to many people credit for something that is not a secret to anyone, Yes every from back to the Bible knows what SEX is. Also hate to break it to you but that would include your daughters as well. Now class can everyone all together say SEX EDUCATION, Doing the dirty dancing on the sheet. The last words for the night-  The bending over and saying my name! Excellent, good job!

If I were those parents, I would stand up and tell the news to get out of my school too just as the school did. It was wrong of the News to put even the father up there without calling someone. How can anyone not know that their kid was going to a sex store and then bitch about it and then be on the news? Oh wait, was he lets see did it have to do with color, or maybe he made the right amount of money that year? Can you ask yourself would this news/ police be going down the same path of lines if it were a FREE Charter School. That if someone was not up to his or her scale standards by meaning whatever goes through that wicked political minds that find that is not up to his or her liking.  That could be anything from top to bottom, good the bad, you name it they will pick it apart and take it down a bit by bit until there was nothing more. Well, that is the idea of it, but this when others need to stand up and say no this is not correct nor right. It is time to stand up; you have a right to fight for your beliefs. It is time to stop allowing foolish, uneducated folks like this man to stop making it difficult for a good parent to just to be. 

See why I said he was pulling his Maxi Pad off for America to watch. That the news allowed it too by the way, and that should stop too!

Sabrina Ford

Monday, June 8, 2015

Next Subject Please And It Is A Good One Too

I say If there is SIDE Boob then I think there should be SIDE Ball! Meaning if this shirt can be the same between a man and a woman but come out two different meanings. Well, then if one is naked then I feel it is only fair it is even all the way around. Everyone is getting married across the board. More and more people have more rights women are becoming men and men are becoming women. So is it so outlandish that it is only women showing skin? Well no it is normal, and it is the everyday thing that it has become the very trend that has become the brainwashing we have become to buying. Well, that it is one of the options at least, and the sad thing is that young women/girls are no less looking at the clothing, but they are wearing.
Now if a Man is wearing On Call Boyfriend does that mean yes Sexism has crossed over to the testosterone side beside the female DNA.  Alternatively, does that mean yes that okay we all know, a slut is a slut, and a gigolo is a gigolo. That it falls under the guidelines that a Women make just as much money as men and Men make just as much money as women, and they use their money to buy what every they want. So if that was the case then again why is it different when it comes to skin, I am starting to sound like Romeo and Juliet and what is in a name?

So back in March of this year back in Indonesia where there was a clothing line manufacture company.  That made sports clothing and inside it states how to care for the product. In Bold, print are states Give this Jersey to your woman and in BOLD Print IT’S HER JOB.  I am not kidding when it says give the Jersey to your Woman, and it is printed on there as well. What gets me that I find funny, is that They assume that this SOB that even thought of this in the first place. I even put money on it that he does not have a  girlfriend in the first place.  So the then the Company goes to apologize and say sorry.  They end up saying it on  Women National Women’s Day and People around the world ended up thinking that it was more like a slap in a face than anything. If anything it seemed like it was more like the Company was mocking the issue and blowing it off. Now was that the case who knows, but that is what people felt and how it came across to the media so that just adds fuel to the fire.

No, wait it gets’s better.  So when you think News and that WOW face when oh shit just went down. With your mouth open praying, you do not have an fly, fly into your mouth. For actual shock value at this point because now what do you do because now you are the bigger ass in the room,  You ask beside what. Ha ! Ha, I say well grab your Daddy’s Credit Card and come on into the WetSeal and let’s go and get us a T-Shirt! No, Not just any T-Shirt the 19.99 that states that I AM TO PRETTY TO DO MY HOMEWORK! Now go ahead open mouth and prey no buzzing sound yet no, flies! Yes and guess what other clothing companies are now being a copy cat’s and can not come up with their crap.  JcPenny’s ad said for $9.99 you can have this wonderful piece of clothing so your little girl can look like the bright one.  That you could have your young daughters wearing the same shirt almost like WetSeal but with more Color but at the very bottom it states that SO MY BROTHER HAS TO DO IT FOR ME! Ha, I laugh, and I think my Sister would agree when I say this, but we both know for sure. I would not ask our brothers for help with school work and nor would she and hell I think they would agree too!  So from these real Pictures and real Product that I must do what with it, Sell it? I can see my sales pitch now: So let me get this straight not only am I stupid, and I need a man to help me. That only my looks are all I need and brains are just some wiggle lines in my head that take up space. Some may agree, but those can kiss my yellow ass. Yes and if you do not understand what that means I am part Chinese. So back to these outlandish words that are being used and what an outfit to even wear in the school systems.  Now would I disagree if this to be  worn if you did not pass your grades and your were blowing off what you needed you needed to know to live life. Sure I will spend 20.0 0 plus tax so you could wear it to make a point for a moment.  So you understand that there is a bottom of the low end of the barrel and it can become worse and you can be sleeping in a park level if you don’t do well in school.

Now the Companies opinions are that this is the way of marketing to catch the consumer’s eye is to make it artistic. That this is art, and, to be honest, a lot of it can be considered art if you minus what some of the words have to say. Like the Beautiful people wearing them, from all different colors of humans to all different shapes people. That this is art and so yes I cannot disagree but when you put words like this on a cloth and put it on someone's body, it does change their entire status.  If you are wearing an outfit and dressed for success for the world, then that is what you get.  If you dress with I am too pretty to do Homework one can only imagine. Hell I can, you should hear some of the questions that are sent over for me to respond. That is not even with me wearing what I write on me.   Ha, that is funny I see it now COCK on the back of my shirt!  I feel if it is going to be one way then it needs to be all the way around and stop being so confined and realize that it just skin and words.  If we going to be a certain way then well then there needs to be some rules and age limits. If not then nothing at all and well then you should just stop everything because if you do no then you are being the  Big-git? Well it is not going to be me. No thank you, I can only do so much in a week.  

Sabrina Ford

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Now all of a sudden everyone’s Facebook is their News Room!!!

To some but not all, but I think someone should say something because …. Ummm You are Ugly!

Now do we need to go fingers out on and be pointing at good old Brucie/ Caity and start with the Pictures of all the bodies of people that different legs and arms. Alternatively, do we really need to post the various skins of color with missing limbs? Let's also include the Bible at this time and let's see who knows the verses better than who?

Oh, I know because Bruce changed his name to a Ladies name. Do we really need to put some harsh words in on Facebook?  Include the CAPS and get so carried away and go with a smashing of the keyboard of words and go to the length of detail of why she should not be a woman. May I ask you why?  Who said she can not, and why not.  Look because someone got hurt lost leg and is now in People Magazine how is he or she any different than Mrs. Jenner? Same Magazine, same award crap what’s the big deal?  Why, oh I know why he cut his tallywacker off. I would assume would want to do what any man would want to do, and that would be put their penis on display next to his gold medals! That what I would do if I were a boy! Well, I would not cut mine off in the first place but then I would not be writing about mine being cut off, more of the something along the lines of how Beautiful it is. Again I must be thinking of a girl. 

Now I love my town, I love how small it is, I love how it is home and how everyone knows everyone.  I like how children can grow up and run around and well it is not like Chicago lets put it that way. So sometimes yes my town can be boring, and I love it that way; it is the best that way for me. After being in the cities all the time and never using a car because you walked everywhere. I am glad that I am back, so when I see the kind of Wowza of you need to close your mouth, it is time to say something. Here are the reasons why and I feel they are a good reason too!  Truly not being an ass, just being truthful, the info I give you, you can look up, and it is public knowledge. Now with that said I shall? We shall!

 So First of all did you think that by opening your mouth you just became the now called BULLY? To someone, you do not even know.  To someone that is across the country that does not even think of you nor care about what you post but you took the time out of your day so you can be a Bully.  Now think about what I just said, you went out of your way to writing that word.  It with this word and tied it together to make it sound that nasty, then put Caps on so everyone can see your point. Trust me you did and everyone in your church and the town saw it. I mean you made sure your spelling was correct, grammar was in order.  So that took time and planning, so that means you have to think about it and use your brain to step out and just be straight out and be mean! WOW very god-like, Almost makes me want to confess to a Catholic priest, oh wait whatever you do, do not bend over. Oh, wait I am safe I am a girl.  See you have so much time to point the finger at Caity, but you cannot even look at the real issues at hand? Also when you point your finger to remember there are three fingers pointing right back at yourself! Just saying and letting know.

Another point I must say did you ever think that the pictures that you are putting up to counter offer Caitys Pictures. Did you ever believe that these folks even wanted to be included in the madness that you created because again wait he tucked his penis away and grew out his hair?  Alternatively, at this time had surgery and everything are gone and is now dressing like a woman. How many times did you play army and you played with the boys as if you were a girl? How many times did you play Barbie’s and you know Ken got Barbie to go necking to movies, Boys, when you played Barbie’s with the girls. We have all switched side we all have.  

Okay how about this it is so easy to point fingers at him that he is ill and that he needs help. That he is lost, all right maybe so and surely there must be a therapist involved. I do believe in that kind of procedures a Sex Therapist participates in every step of that kind of cases.  I just feel that maybe before you start point some fingers at someone you do not know that is far, far away. Maybe focus your energy on the people that do need that high-end focus that you do have and let it go in that direction in the right way, in a healthy way.  Say take for instance a Martial Arts teacher ends up not with one but two restraining orders for being a stalker in a little town to a little girl who say was in Elementary School. He would sit and watch her play outside. He was known for taking little girls to his father's church where he could give them drugs in a cup so he could have sex with them in the church. He was also known to have these problems in NV also. So what does someone who has a pattern of assault they keep changing their area so they can keep up their ways. Not like you take the same roads to go get your drugs? So he lives and well he has a way he can be like the devil at night and go away for years but then its funny century later he can be found repeating history all again.  Now all of sudden He is back, and all is forgiven. Now he teaches your children and its okay because why? I guess time, but you cannot teach an old dog new trick and goes for old perverted old that touches little children.  Let's See how long it takes history to take place again? It is sad how I see him on Facebook with your kids hugging them and touching them… Moreover, you are so worried about Mrs. Jenner.

You see why your caps are so stupid at this point when there are bigger issues, bigger needs. When just a person grew out their hair, changed their clothing and decided to be bold and be more blunt about life. SO the hell what, maybe we should be a little nicer. Not talk about others and watch for the bad and not so much worried about what's different but what's bad. That is the difference, Is Mrs. Jenner, an evil person? No, this  Teacher is and was a Stalker and once the go stalker they don't got back.Was this a person who touches children yeah then I would be right up there posting, talking, on the news, and ready. See the difference. What kills me if he was one of the Duggars He would be off TV, FBI, and the IRS would be watching his ass.  Now because this Teacher is just a crappy ass po-dunk martial arts teacher.  He gets to stay around and rub your children's back and say come pay me while I get to rub one off on- while he/ or she does a few kick on the bag, now will you check?

Sabrina Ford


Monday, June 1, 2015

Sharing is Caring … Right?

When I sit down, I do think about what I would want to read if I were you. Would I want to hear about the writer and her issues at hand or would it be best to talk about what is going on with what is out there in the world?  Like I wrote about Human Trafficking vs. Do I speak about being married to a man that was in the closet and abusive because he hated being married to a woman?  It is a toss-up I say because I do not want to talk all about me and not about other issues that need to be address too. 
I have been getting a lot of Ford readers and fed back with some issues with questions. I want to thank you for trusting me enough to talk with me about them. Thank you for your words of the encouragement too, so I think it is only fair that because all of you have shared it is the time that I shared one with you. So you understand that you are not alone in this crazy world.

You know that movie Purple People Eater or the song. You know the song, one horn flying well that is what I felt like. Maybe I should go back just a bit. I am from a small town and well Sex stores are not in walking distance to say. Now up north you can look left, you can look right do a shuffle and bam your there. Now I have already gone through the letters, the emails, the soft swingers were yours just in the same room, you name it we did it. I was doing whatever I could to save the marriage at this point.

My lovely Ex had this way to pop these surprise sex things on me. Oh no, I knew I was going, but I thought I would be going in for some lube thing. OH no, we were not just going in for lube. I am walking around and looking at all the girly stuff. Being me, oh there is pinks and purples. Look oh, it smells good and oh wow look how it matches skin tones. Wow, it matches mine, and wow it as tall as me! I am 4”11, now how in the world and next thing I know I am lead to this section.  I am looking at a wall of loads of strap on’s, and he states what color do I want. There was Pink, Purple, and Blue. Now at this point colors are not so important now and how girly things are. At this point, I thought he wanted to use it on me, and I go are you going to use this with yours being in the way? That is when we both realized we were not on the same page. Then it was well babe I was hoping that we could try something different. I was thinking oh hell, I am just glad it was not going to my cute bottom.  Then it was who is wearing it, me? Why me, I am the girl? I do not know what to do. Then I am like damn, I  panic; then I had a panic attack in the Purple Dildo Section of a Sex Store. He thought I was getting turned on.  He picked out the color, purple. Then it was on to the size.  What size to get, oh this is the real part.  So yes the conversation went in depth on well I do not want it bigger than mine.

So at this point my Ex wanted me to one Be the man during Sex, and not have more significant Unit then him and let’s not forget it was purple. So this seems more of an issue, this was omg what am I going to do this was how fast can I leave and how.  It took some time for me to leave and prepare and have help, and I mean the proper help.  Sometimes it does take that, and that is okay too and nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed. Trust me I know what pride is and how it messes with your head. Sometimes you have to put that aside but I promise you get that back once you leave. You get all those feeling back once you leave. Leaving is the first step of healing the right way then you deal with the next steps that come with but it takes time.

You keep going until you hit the brick wall. Mine I had to schedule when I moved back home when I knew it was safe to do so.  I do believe if you are going through something hard, and you feel like you are in a corner there are ways out. Maybe you are not seeing them; maybe you need a 3rd person looking at it for you in a different light to help. I feel that sometimes two brains are better than one, and sometimes change is hard. So you do not have to do this alone. There are groups; there are places that can help you and your pack. I promise I have been there, I went from having whatever I wanted to look we have to watch everything we have to spend because we do not have the money.  

It is funny how life can go from Riches to not so rich. I felt that my children did learn some paramount life lessons and will become Alive by us leaving him. I am sure my ex can roll his eye in the back of his head and making countless Match account. Just FYI my personal feeling I must say so it is so stupid and wasteful portal space you mean person to make fake accounts. That could be someone's profile to find someone’s true love.  I feel it is a shame that people have to go to such extremes to be weird or cause sadness in their heads. For unnecessary reasons when instead of moving on and changing things in your life for the good.

What I suggest if your going through or need someone to speak with there are places. If you need help and need someone that has been there and done that T-shirt and want someone to talk to there is me. I will talk to, I will find you the help. When it comes to doing research, deep down looking and investigations it what I do best. Trust me! If there is a way I will assist in any way possible, I know what it feels like when you feel like there are no doors open to you. I promise I will help you find the open door that are open ones!

Much Love and Smooches,

Sabrina Ford