Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Now all of a sudden everyone’s Facebook is their News Room!!!

To some but not all, but I think someone should say something because …. Ummm You are Ugly!

Now do we need to go fingers out on and be pointing at good old Brucie/ Caity and start with the Pictures of all the bodies of people that different legs and arms. Alternatively, do we really need to post the various skins of color with missing limbs? Let's also include the Bible at this time and let's see who knows the verses better than who?

Oh, I know because Bruce changed his name to a Ladies name. Do we really need to put some harsh words in on Facebook?  Include the CAPS and get so carried away and go with a smashing of the keyboard of words and go to the length of detail of why she should not be a woman. May I ask you why?  Who said she can not, and why not.  Look because someone got hurt lost leg and is now in People Magazine how is he or she any different than Mrs. Jenner? Same Magazine, same award crap what’s the big deal?  Why, oh I know why he cut his tallywacker off. I would assume would want to do what any man would want to do, and that would be put their penis on display next to his gold medals! That what I would do if I were a boy! Well, I would not cut mine off in the first place but then I would not be writing about mine being cut off, more of the something along the lines of how Beautiful it is. Again I must be thinking of a girl. 

Now I love my town, I love how small it is, I love how it is home and how everyone knows everyone.  I like how children can grow up and run around and well it is not like Chicago lets put it that way. So sometimes yes my town can be boring, and I love it that way; it is the best that way for me. After being in the cities all the time and never using a car because you walked everywhere. I am glad that I am back, so when I see the kind of Wowza of you need to close your mouth, it is time to say something. Here are the reasons why and I feel they are a good reason too!  Truly not being an ass, just being truthful, the info I give you, you can look up, and it is public knowledge. Now with that said I shall? We shall!

 So First of all did you think that by opening your mouth you just became the now called BULLY? To someone, you do not even know.  To someone that is across the country that does not even think of you nor care about what you post but you took the time out of your day so you can be a Bully.  Now think about what I just said, you went out of your way to writing that word.  It with this word and tied it together to make it sound that nasty, then put Caps on so everyone can see your point. Trust me you did and everyone in your church and the town saw it. I mean you made sure your spelling was correct, grammar was in order.  So that took time and planning, so that means you have to think about it and use your brain to step out and just be straight out and be mean! WOW very god-like, Almost makes me want to confess to a Catholic priest, oh wait whatever you do, do not bend over. Oh, wait I am safe I am a girl.  See you have so much time to point the finger at Caity, but you cannot even look at the real issues at hand? Also when you point your finger to remember there are three fingers pointing right back at yourself! Just saying and letting know.

Another point I must say did you ever think that the pictures that you are putting up to counter offer Caitys Pictures. Did you ever believe that these folks even wanted to be included in the madness that you created because again wait he tucked his penis away and grew out his hair?  Alternatively, at this time had surgery and everything are gone and is now dressing like a woman. How many times did you play army and you played with the boys as if you were a girl? How many times did you play Barbie’s and you know Ken got Barbie to go necking to movies, Boys, when you played Barbie’s with the girls. We have all switched side we all have.  

Okay how about this it is so easy to point fingers at him that he is ill and that he needs help. That he is lost, all right maybe so and surely there must be a therapist involved. I do believe in that kind of procedures a Sex Therapist participates in every step of that kind of cases.  I just feel that maybe before you start point some fingers at someone you do not know that is far, far away. Maybe focus your energy on the people that do need that high-end focus that you do have and let it go in that direction in the right way, in a healthy way.  Say take for instance a Martial Arts teacher ends up not with one but two restraining orders for being a stalker in a little town to a little girl who say was in Elementary School. He would sit and watch her play outside. He was known for taking little girls to his father's church where he could give them drugs in a cup so he could have sex with them in the church. He was also known to have these problems in NV also. So what does someone who has a pattern of assault they keep changing their area so they can keep up their ways. Not like you take the same roads to go get your drugs? So he lives and well he has a way he can be like the devil at night and go away for years but then its funny century later he can be found repeating history all again.  Now all of sudden He is back, and all is forgiven. Now he teaches your children and its okay because why? I guess time, but you cannot teach an old dog new trick and goes for old perverted old that touches little children.  Let's See how long it takes history to take place again? It is sad how I see him on Facebook with your kids hugging them and touching them… Moreover, you are so worried about Mrs. Jenner.

You see why your caps are so stupid at this point when there are bigger issues, bigger needs. When just a person grew out their hair, changed their clothing and decided to be bold and be more blunt about life. SO the hell what, maybe we should be a little nicer. Not talk about others and watch for the bad and not so much worried about what's different but what's bad. That is the difference, Is Mrs. Jenner, an evil person? No, this  Teacher is and was a Stalker and once the go stalker they don't got back.Was this a person who touches children yeah then I would be right up there posting, talking, on the news, and ready. See the difference. What kills me if he was one of the Duggars He would be off TV, FBI, and the IRS would be watching his ass.  Now because this Teacher is just a crappy ass po-dunk martial arts teacher.  He gets to stay around and rub your children's back and say come pay me while I get to rub one off on- while he/ or she does a few kick on the bag, now will you check?

Sabrina Ford


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