Monday, June 8, 2015

Next Subject Please And It Is A Good One Too

I say If there is SIDE Boob then I think there should be SIDE Ball! Meaning if this shirt can be the same between a man and a woman but come out two different meanings. Well, then if one is naked then I feel it is only fair it is even all the way around. Everyone is getting married across the board. More and more people have more rights women are becoming men and men are becoming women. So is it so outlandish that it is only women showing skin? Well no it is normal, and it is the everyday thing that it has become the very trend that has become the brainwashing we have become to buying. Well, that it is one of the options at least, and the sad thing is that young women/girls are no less looking at the clothing, but they are wearing.
Now if a Man is wearing On Call Boyfriend does that mean yes Sexism has crossed over to the testosterone side beside the female DNA.  Alternatively, does that mean yes that okay we all know, a slut is a slut, and a gigolo is a gigolo. That it falls under the guidelines that a Women make just as much money as men and Men make just as much money as women, and they use their money to buy what every they want. So if that was the case then again why is it different when it comes to skin, I am starting to sound like Romeo and Juliet and what is in a name?

So back in March of this year back in Indonesia where there was a clothing line manufacture company.  That made sports clothing and inside it states how to care for the product. In Bold, print are states Give this Jersey to your woman and in BOLD Print IT’S HER JOB.  I am not kidding when it says give the Jersey to your Woman, and it is printed on there as well. What gets me that I find funny, is that They assume that this SOB that even thought of this in the first place. I even put money on it that he does not have a  girlfriend in the first place.  So the then the Company goes to apologize and say sorry.  They end up saying it on  Women National Women’s Day and People around the world ended up thinking that it was more like a slap in a face than anything. If anything it seemed like it was more like the Company was mocking the issue and blowing it off. Now was that the case who knows, but that is what people felt and how it came across to the media so that just adds fuel to the fire.

No, wait it gets’s better.  So when you think News and that WOW face when oh shit just went down. With your mouth open praying, you do not have an fly, fly into your mouth. For actual shock value at this point because now what do you do because now you are the bigger ass in the room,  You ask beside what. Ha ! Ha, I say well grab your Daddy’s Credit Card and come on into the WetSeal and let’s go and get us a T-Shirt! No, Not just any T-Shirt the 19.99 that states that I AM TO PRETTY TO DO MY HOMEWORK! Now go ahead open mouth and prey no buzzing sound yet no, flies! Yes and guess what other clothing companies are now being a copy cat’s and can not come up with their crap.  JcPenny’s ad said for $9.99 you can have this wonderful piece of clothing so your little girl can look like the bright one.  That you could have your young daughters wearing the same shirt almost like WetSeal but with more Color but at the very bottom it states that SO MY BROTHER HAS TO DO IT FOR ME! Ha, I laugh, and I think my Sister would agree when I say this, but we both know for sure. I would not ask our brothers for help with school work and nor would she and hell I think they would agree too!  So from these real Pictures and real Product that I must do what with it, Sell it? I can see my sales pitch now: So let me get this straight not only am I stupid, and I need a man to help me. That only my looks are all I need and brains are just some wiggle lines in my head that take up space. Some may agree, but those can kiss my yellow ass. Yes and if you do not understand what that means I am part Chinese. So back to these outlandish words that are being used and what an outfit to even wear in the school systems.  Now would I disagree if this to be  worn if you did not pass your grades and your were blowing off what you needed you needed to know to live life. Sure I will spend 20.0 0 plus tax so you could wear it to make a point for a moment.  So you understand that there is a bottom of the low end of the barrel and it can become worse and you can be sleeping in a park level if you don’t do well in school.

Now the Companies opinions are that this is the way of marketing to catch the consumer’s eye is to make it artistic. That this is art, and, to be honest, a lot of it can be considered art if you minus what some of the words have to say. Like the Beautiful people wearing them, from all different colors of humans to all different shapes people. That this is art and so yes I cannot disagree but when you put words like this on a cloth and put it on someone's body, it does change their entire status.  If you are wearing an outfit and dressed for success for the world, then that is what you get.  If you dress with I am too pretty to do Homework one can only imagine. Hell I can, you should hear some of the questions that are sent over for me to respond. That is not even with me wearing what I write on me.   Ha, that is funny I see it now COCK on the back of my shirt!  I feel if it is going to be one way then it needs to be all the way around and stop being so confined and realize that it just skin and words.  If we going to be a certain way then well then there needs to be some rules and age limits. If not then nothing at all and well then you should just stop everything because if you do no then you are being the  Big-git? Well it is not going to be me. No thank you, I can only do so much in a week.  

Sabrina Ford

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